Class BridgeExceptionHandlerToErrorHandler

  extended by org.apache.camel.impl.BridgeExceptionHandlerToErrorHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BridgeExceptionHandlerToErrorHandler
extends Object
implements ExceptionHandler

An ExceptionHandler that uses the DefaultConsumer to process the caused exception to send the message into the Camel routing engine which allows to let the routing engine handle the exception.

An endpoint can be configured with consumer.bridgeErrorHandler=true in the URI to enable this BridgeExceptionHandlerToErrorHandler on the consumer. The consumer must extend the DefaultConsumer, to support this, if not an IllegalArgumentException is thrown upon startup.

Notice: When using this bridging error handler, then interceptors, onCompletions does not apply. The Exchange is processed directly by the Camel error handler, and does not allow prior actions such as interceptors, onCompletion to take action.

Constructor Summary
BridgeExceptionHandlerToErrorHandler(DefaultConsumer consumer)
Method Summary
 void handleException(String message, Exchange exchange, Throwable exception)
          Handles the given exception
 void handleException(String message, Throwable exception)
          Handles the given exception
 void handleException(Throwable exception)
          Handles the given exception
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BridgeExceptionHandlerToErrorHandler(DefaultConsumer consumer)
Method Detail


public void handleException(Throwable exception)
Description copied from interface: ExceptionHandler
Handles the given exception

Specified by:
handleException in interface ExceptionHandler
exception - the exception


public void handleException(String message,
                            Throwable exception)
Description copied from interface: ExceptionHandler
Handles the given exception

Specified by:
handleException in interface ExceptionHandler
message - additional message
exception - the exception


public void handleException(String message,
                            Exchange exchange,
                            Throwable exception)
Description copied from interface: ExceptionHandler
Handles the given exception

Specified by:
handleException in interface ExceptionHandler
message - additional message
exchange - exchange which cause the exception
exception - the exception

Apache Camel