Interface Binding

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Binding

Represents a Binding or contract which can be applied to an Endpoint; such as ensuring that a particular Data Format is used on messages in and out of an endpoint.

Method Summary
 Processor createConsumeProcessor()
          Returns a new Processor which is used by a consumer on an endpoint to process the message with the binding before its passed to the endpoint consumer producer.
 Processor createProduceProcessor()
          Returns a new Processor which is used by a producer on an endpoint to implement the producer side binding before the message is sent to the underlying endpoint.

Method Detail


Processor createProduceProcessor()
Returns a new Processor which is used by a producer on an endpoint to implement the producer side binding before the message is sent to the underlying endpoint.


Processor createConsumeProcessor()
Returns a new Processor which is used by a consumer on an endpoint to process the message with the binding before its passed to the endpoint consumer producer.

Apache Camel