Interface CamelContextNameStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultCamelContextNameStrategy, ExplicitCamelContextNameStrategy

public interface CamelContextNameStrategy

Strategy for assigning name to a CamelContext.

See Also:

Method Summary
 String getName()
          Gets the name

The isFixedName() determines if the name can be re-calculated such as when using a counter, or the name is always fixed.

 String getNextName()
          Gets the next calculated name, if this strategy is not using fixed names.
 boolean isFixedName()
          Whether the name will be fixed, or allow re-calculation such as by using an unique counter.

Method Detail


String getName()
Gets the name

The isFixedName() determines if the name can be re-calculated such as when using a counter, or the name is always fixed.

the name.


String getNextName()
Gets the next calculated name, if this strategy is not using fixed names.

The isFixedName() determines if the name can be re-calculated such as when using a counter, or the name is always fixed.

the next name


boolean isFixedName()
Whether the name will be fixed, or allow re-calculation such as by using an unique counter.

true for fixed names, false for names which can re-calculated

Apache Camel