Interface ShutdownStrategy

All Superinterfaces:
Service, StaticService
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ShutdownStrategy
extends StaticService

Pluggable shutdown strategy executed during shutdown of routes.

Shutting down routes in a reliable and graceful manner is not a trivial task. Therefore Camel provides a pluggable strategy allowing 3rd party to use their own strategy if needed.

The key problem is to stop the input consumers for the routes such that no new messages is coming into Camel. But at the same time still keep the routes running so the existing in flight exchanges can still be run to completion. On top of that there are some in memory components (such as SEDA) which may have pending messages on its in memory queue which we want to run to completion as well, otherwise they will get lost.

Camel provides a default strategy which supports all that that can be used as inspiration for your own strategy.

See Also:

Method Summary
 boolean forceShutdown(Service service)
          Whether a service is forced to shutdown.
 long getTimeout()
          Gets the timeout.
 TimeUnit getTimeUnit()
          Gets the time unit used
 boolean hasTimeoutOccurred()
          Whether a timeout has occurred during a shutdown.
 boolean isShutdownNowOnTimeout()
          Whether to force shutdown of all consumers when a timeout occurred.
 boolean isShutdownRoutesInReverseOrder()
          Whether to shutdown routes in reverse order than they where started.
 boolean isSuppressLoggingOnTimeout()
          Whether Camel should try to suppress logging during shutdown and timeout was triggered, meaning forced shutdown is happening.
 void setShutdownNowOnTimeout(boolean shutdownNowOnTimeout)
          Sets whether to force shutdown of all consumers when a timeout occurred and thus not all consumers was shutdown within that period.
 void setShutdownRoutesInReverseOrder(boolean shutdownRoutesInReverseOrder)
          Sets whether routes should be shutdown in reverse or the same order as they where started.
 void setSuppressLoggingOnTimeout(boolean suppressLoggingOnTimeout)
          Whether Camel should try to suppress logging during shutdown and timeout was triggered, meaning forced shutdown is happening.
 void setTimeout(long timeout)
          Set an timeout to wait for the shutdown to complete.
 void setTimeUnit(TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Set the time unit to use
 void shutdown(CamelContext context, List<RouteStartupOrder> routes)
          Shutdown the routes
 void shutdown(CamelContext context, List<RouteStartupOrder> routes, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Shutdown the routes using a specified timeout instead of the default timeout values
 boolean shutdown(CamelContext context, RouteStartupOrder route, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit, boolean abortAfterTimeout)
          Shutdown the route using a specified timeout instead of the default timeout values and supports abortAfterTimeout mode
 void shutdownForced(CamelContext context, List<RouteStartupOrder> routes)
          Shutdown the routes, forcing shutdown being more aggressive, if timeout occurred.
 void suspend(CamelContext context, List<RouteStartupOrder> routes)
          Suspends the routes
 void suspend(CamelContext context, List<RouteStartupOrder> routes, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Suspends the routes using a specified timeout instead of the default timeout values
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.Service
start, stop

Method Detail


void shutdownForced(CamelContext context,
                    List<RouteStartupOrder> routes)
                    throws Exception
Shutdown the routes, forcing shutdown being more aggressive, if timeout occurred.

This operation is used when CamelContext is shutting down, to ensure Camel will shutdown if messages seems to be stuck.

context - the camel context
routes - the routes, ordered by the order they was started
Exception - is thrown if error shutting down the consumers, however its preferred to avoid this


void shutdown(CamelContext context,
              List<RouteStartupOrder> routes)
              throws Exception
Shutdown the routes

context - the camel context
routes - the routes, ordered by the order they was started
Exception - is thrown if error shutting down the consumers, however its preferred to avoid this


void suspend(CamelContext context,
             List<RouteStartupOrder> routes)
             throws Exception
Suspends the routes

context - the camel context
routes - the routes, ordered by the order they was started
Exception - is thrown if error suspending the consumers, however its preferred to avoid this


void shutdown(CamelContext context,
              List<RouteStartupOrder> routes,
              long timeout,
              TimeUnit timeUnit)
              throws Exception
Shutdown the routes using a specified timeout instead of the default timeout values

context - the camel context
routes - the routes, ordered by the order they was started
timeout - timeout
timeUnit - the unit to use
Exception - is thrown if error shutting down the consumers, however its preferred to avoid this


boolean shutdown(CamelContext context,
                 RouteStartupOrder route,
                 long timeout,
                 TimeUnit timeUnit,
                 boolean abortAfterTimeout)
                 throws Exception
Shutdown the route using a specified timeout instead of the default timeout values and supports abortAfterTimeout mode

context - the camel context
route - the route
timeout - timeout
timeUnit - the unit to use
abortAfterTimeout - should abort shutdown after timeout
true if the route is stopped before the timeout
Exception - is thrown if error shutting down the consumer, however its preferred to avoid this


void suspend(CamelContext context,
             List<RouteStartupOrder> routes,
             long timeout,
             TimeUnit timeUnit)
             throws Exception
Suspends the routes using a specified timeout instead of the default timeout values

context - the camel context
routes - the routes, ordered by the order they was started
timeout - timeout
timeUnit - the unit to use
Exception - is thrown if error suspending the consumers, however its preferred to avoid this


void setTimeout(long timeout)
Set an timeout to wait for the shutdown to complete.

You must set a positive value. If you want to wait (forever) then use a very high value such as Long.MAX_VALUE

The default timeout unit is SECONDS

timeout - timeout
IllegalArgumentException - if the timeout value is 0 or negative


long getTimeout()
Gets the timeout.

The default timeout unit is SECONDS

the timeout


void setTimeUnit(TimeUnit timeUnit)
Set the time unit to use

timeUnit - the unit to use


TimeUnit getTimeUnit()
Gets the time unit used

the time unit


void setSuppressLoggingOnTimeout(boolean suppressLoggingOnTimeout)
Whether Camel should try to suppress logging during shutdown and timeout was triggered, meaning forced shutdown is happening. And during forced shutdown we want to avoid logging errors/warnings et all in the logs as a side-effect of the forced timeout.

By default this is false

Notice the suppress is a best effort as there may still be some logs coming from 3rd party libraries and whatnot, which Camel cannot control.

suppressLoggingOnTimeout - true to suppress logging, false to log as usual.


boolean isSuppressLoggingOnTimeout()
Whether Camel should try to suppress logging during shutdown and timeout was triggered, meaning forced shutdown is happening. And during forced shutdown we want to avoid logging errors/warnings et all in the logs as a side-effect of the forced timeout.

By default this is false

Notice the suppress is a best effort as there may still be some logs coming from 3rd party libraries and whatnot, which Camel cannot control.


void setShutdownNowOnTimeout(boolean shutdownNowOnTimeout)
Sets whether to force shutdown of all consumers when a timeout occurred and thus not all consumers was shutdown within that period.

You should have good reasons to set this option to false as it means that the routes keep running and is halted abruptly when CamelContext has been shutdown.

shutdownNowOnTimeout - true to force shutdown, false to leave them running


boolean isShutdownNowOnTimeout()
Whether to force shutdown of all consumers when a timeout occurred.

force shutdown or not


void setShutdownRoutesInReverseOrder(boolean shutdownRoutesInReverseOrder)
Sets whether routes should be shutdown in reverse or the same order as they where started.

shutdownRoutesInReverseOrder - true to shutdown in reverse order


boolean isShutdownRoutesInReverseOrder()
Whether to shutdown routes in reverse order than they where started.

This option is by default set to true.

true if routes should be shutdown in reverse order.


boolean forceShutdown(Service service)
Whether a service is forced to shutdown.

Can be used to signal to services that they are no longer allowed to run, such as if a forced shutdown is currently in progress.

For example the Camel RedeliveryErrorHandler uses this information to know if a forced shutdown is in progress, and then break out of redelivery attempts.

service - the service
true indicates the service is to be forced to shutdown, false the service can keep running.


boolean hasTimeoutOccurred()
Whether a timeout has occurred during a shutdown.

Apache Camel