Interface IsSingleton

All Known Subinterfaces:
BrowsableEndpoint, Endpoint, Producer
All Known Implementing Classes:
BeanEndpoint, BeanLanguage, BrowseEndpoint, CollectionProducer, ConstantLanguage, DataSetEndpoint, DefaultAsyncProducer, DefaultEndpoint, DefaultPollingEndpoint, DefaultProducer, DirectEndpoint, DirectProducer, FileEndpoint, GenericFileEndpoint, GenericFileProducer, HeaderLanguage, InterceptSendToEndpoint, LanguageEndpoint, LanguageProducer, LogEndpoint, MockEndpoint, ProcessorEndpoint, PropertyLanguage, ScheduledPollEndpoint, SedaEndpoint, SedaProducer, SimpleLanguage, SimpleLanguageSupport, SynchronousDelegateProducer, TimerEndpoint, TokenizeLanguage, UnitOfWorkProducer, XPathLanguage

public interface IsSingleton

Used for defining if a given class is singleton or not. If the class is a Singleton, then a single instance will be shared. Because the class is shared, it should be treated as an immutable and be thread safe.

$Revision: 934731 $

Method Summary
 boolean isSingleton()
          Whether this class supports being singleton or not.

Method Detail


boolean isSingleton()
Whether this class supports being singleton or not.

true to be a single shared instance, false to create new instances.

Apache CAMEL