Package org.apache.camel.impl.converter

Default implementation classes the Type Conversion Strategies


Interface Summary
TypeConverterLoader A pluggable strategy to load type converters into a registry from some kind of mechanism

Class Summary
AnnotationTypeConverterLoader A class which will auto-discover converter objects and methods to pre-load the registry of converters on startup
ArrayTypeConverter A type converter which is used to convert to and from array types particularly for derived types of array component types and dealing with primitive array types.
AsyncProcessorTypeConverter A simple converter that can convert any Processor to an AsyncProcessor.
BaseTypeConverterRegistry Base implementation of a type converter registry used for type converters in Camel.
BaseTypeConverterRegistry.FallbackTypeConverter Represents a fallback type converter
BaseTypeConverterRegistry.TypeMapping Represents a mapping from one type (which can be null) to another
CachingInjector<T> A caching proxy
DefaultTypeConverter Default implementation of a type converter registry used for type converters in Camel.
EnumTypeConverter A type converter which is used to convert to and from array types particularly for derived types of array component types and dealing with primitive array types.
FutureTypeConverter Future type converter.
InstanceMethodFallbackTypeConverter A TypeConverter implementation which instantiates an object so that an instance method can be used as a fallback type converter
InstanceMethodTypeConverter A TypeConverter implementation which instantiates an object so that an instance method can be used as a type converter
LazyLoadingTypeConverter Lazy implementation of a type converter registry used for type converters in Camel.
PropertyEditorTypeConverter Uses the PropertyEditor conversion system to convert Objects to and from String values.
StaticMethodFallbackTypeConverter A TypeConverter implementation which invokes a static method as a fallback type converter from a type to another type
StaticMethodTypeConverter A TypeConverter implementation which invokes a static method to convert from a type to another type
ToStringTypeConverter A simple converter that can convert any object to a String type by using the toString() method of the object.

Package org.apache.camel.impl.converter Description

Default implementation classes the Type Conversion Strategies

Apache CAMEL