Package org.apache.camel.language.simple

Camel Simple language.


Class Summary
SimpleLanguage A simple language which maps simple property style notations to access headers and bodies.
SimpleLanguageSupport Abstract base class for Simple languages.

Enum Summary
SimpleLanguageOperator Operators supported by simple language == : equals > : greater than >= : greater than or equals < : less than <= : less than or equals != : not contains : tested for if it contains the value not contains : tested for if it does not contain the value regex : matching a regular expression not regex : not matching a regular expression in : tested for in a list of values separated by comma not in : tested for not in a list of values separated by comma is : tested for if type is an instanceof the given type not is: tested for not if type is an instanceof the given type range : tested for if it is within the provided range not range : tested for not if it is within the provided range and : and operator to combine two groups of expressions or : or operator to combine two groups of expressions

The and and or operator is special as they are used as optional operator to combine two expressions.


Package org.apache.camel.language.simple Description

Camel Simple language.

Apache CAMEL