Package org.apache.camel.model.language

The JAXB POJOs for the Expression and Predicate plugins for the XML Configuration.


Class Summary
ConstantExpression For expressions and predicates using a constant
ELExpression For EL expressions and predicates
ExpressionDefinition A useful base class for an expression
GroovyExpression For Groovy expressions and predicates
HeaderExpression An expression which extracts the named header
JavaScriptExpression For JavaScript expressions and predicates
JXPathExpression For JXPath expressions and predicates
LanguageExpression Represents a parameterised language expression which can support any language at runtime using the language attribute.
MethodCallExpression For expressions and predicates using the bean language
MvelExpression For MVEL expressions and predicates
NamespaceAwareExpression A useful base class for any expression which may be namespace or XML content aware such as XPathExpression or XQueryExpression
OgnlExpression For OGNL expressions and predicates
PhpExpression For PHP expressions and predicates
PropertyExpression An expression which extracts the named exchange property
PythonExpression For Python expressions and predicates
RubyExpression For Ruby expressions and predicates
SimpleExpression For expressions and predicates using the simple language
SqlExpression For SQL expressions and predicates
TokenizerExpression For expressions and predicates using a body or header tokenizer
XPathExpression For XPath expressions and predicates
XQueryExpression For XQuery expressions and predicates

Package org.apache.camel.model.language Description

The JAXB POJOs for the Expression and Predicate plugins for the XML Configuration.

Apache CAMEL