Package org.apache.camel.processor.validation

Performs XML validation using JAXP for validating against XSD or RelaxNG


Interface Summary
ValidatorErrorHandler Validator error handler.

Class Summary
DefaultValidationErrorHandler A default error handler which just stores all the errors so they can be reported or transformed.
PredicateValidatingProcessor A processor which validates the content of the inbound message body against a predicate.
ValidatingProcessor A processor which validates the XML version of the inbound message body against some schema either in XSD or RelaxNG

Exception Summary
NoXmlBodyValidationException An exception found if no XML body is available on the inbound message
PredicateValidationException A predicate validation exception occurred
SchemaValidationException A Schema validation exception occurred

Package org.apache.camel.processor.validation Description

Performs XML validation using JAXP for validating against XSD or RelaxNG

Apache CAMEL