Package org.apache.camel.util

Utility classes used by the core of Camel and useful for Camel component developers


Interface Summary
Ordered Interface to be implement by objects that should be orderable, such as in a Collection.
TimeoutMap<K,V> Represents a map of values which timeout after a period of inactivity.

Class Summary
AsyncProcessorHelper Helper methods for AsyncProcessor objects.
CamelContextHelper A number of helper methods
CaseInsensitiveMap A map that uses case insensitive keys, but preserves the original keys in the keySet.
CastUtils Utility methods for type casting.
CollectionHelper A number of helper methods for working with collections
CollectionStringBuffer A little helper class for converting a collection of values to a (usually comma separated) string.
DefaultTimeoutMap<K,V> Default implementation of the TimeoutMap.
EndpointHelper Some helper methods for working with Endpoint instances
EventHelper Helper for easily sending event notifications in a single line of code
ExchangeHelper Some helper methods for working with Exchange objects
ExpressionComparator An implementation of Comparator which takes an Expression which is evaluated on each exchange to compare
ExpressionListComparator An implementation of Comparator which takes a list of Expression objects which is evaluated on each exchange to compare them
FileUtil File utilities
IntrospectionSupport Helper for introspections of beans.
IOHelper IO helper class.
KeyValueHolder<K,V> Holder for a key and value.
LRUCache<K,V> A Least Recently Used Cache
MessageHelper Some helper methods when working with Message.
ObjectHelper A number of useful helper methods for working with Objects
OgnlHelper Helper for Camel OGNL expressions.
OrderedComparator A comparator to sort Ordered
PackageHelper Some helper methods for working with Java packages and versioning.
PredicateAssertHelper A helper for doing Predicate assertions.
ReflectionInjector A simple implementation of Injector which just uses reflection to instantiate new objects using their zero argument constructor.
ServiceHelper A collection of helper methods for working with Service objects
StopWatch A very simple stop watch.
StringHelper Helper methods for working with Strings.
Time A helper class for working with times in various units
TimeoutMapEntry<K,V> Represents an entry in a TimeoutMap
TimeUtils Time utils.
UnsafeUriCharactersEncoder Encoder for unsafe URI characters.
URISupport URI utilities.
ValueHolder<V> Holder object for a given value.

Package org.apache.camel.util Description

Utility classes used by the core of Camel and useful for Camel component developers

Apache CAMEL