Interface Predicate

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BeanExpression, BinaryPredicateSupport, ConstantExpression, ELExpression, ExpressionAdapter, ExpressionClause, ExpressionDefinition, ExpressionSupport, GroovyExpression, HeaderExpression, JavaScriptExpression, JXPathExpression, LanguageExpression, MethodCallExpression, MvelExpression, NamespaceAwareExpression, OgnlExpression, PhpExpression, PropertyExpression, PythonExpression, RefExpression, RubyExpression, SimpleBuilder, SimpleExpression, SpELExpression, SqlExpression, TimeClause, TokenizerExpression, XPathBuilder, XPathExpression, XQueryExpression

public interface Predicate

Evaluates a binary predicate on the message exchange to support things like scripting languages, XQuery or SQL as well as any arbitrary Java expression.


Method Summary
 boolean matches(Exchange exchange)
          Evaluates the predicate on the message exchange and returns true if this exchange matches the predicate

Method Detail


boolean matches(Exchange exchange)
Evaluates the predicate on the message exchange and returns true if this exchange matches the predicate

exchange - the message exchange
true if the predicate matches

Apache CAMEL