Interface CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:
    org.apache.camel.builder.EndpointProducerBuilder, org.apache.camel.EndpointProducerResolver
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder
    extends org.apache.camel.builder.EndpointProducerBuilder
    Builder for endpoint producers for the CometD component.
    • Method Detail

      • allowedOrigins

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder allowedOrigins​(String allowedOrigins)
        The origins domain that support to cross, if the crosssOriginFilterOn is true. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: * Group: common
        allowedOrigins - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • baseResource

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder baseResource​(String baseResource)
        The root directory for the web resources or classpath. Use the protocol file: or classpath: depending if you want that the component loads the resource from file system or classpath. Classpath is required for OSGI deployment where the resources are packaged in the jar. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: common
        baseResource - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • crossOriginFilterOn

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder crossOriginFilterOn​(boolean crossOriginFilterOn)
        If true, the server will support for cross-domain filtering. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: common
        crossOriginFilterOn - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • crossOriginFilterOn

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder crossOriginFilterOn​(String crossOriginFilterOn)
        If true, the server will support for cross-domain filtering. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: common
        crossOriginFilterOn - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • filterPath

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder filterPath​(String filterPath)
        The filterPath will be used by the CrossOriginFilter, if the crosssOriginFilterOn is true. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: common
        filterPath - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • interval

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder interval​(int interval)
        The client side poll timeout in milliseconds. How long a client will wait between reconnects. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Group: common
        interval - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • interval

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder interval​(String interval)
        The client side poll timeout in milliseconds. How long a client will wait between reconnects. The option will be converted to a <code>int</code> type. Group: common
        interval - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • jsonCommented

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder jsonCommented​(boolean jsonCommented)
        If true, the server will accept JSON wrapped in a comment and will generate JSON wrapped in a comment. This is a defence against Ajax Hijacking. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: true Group: common
        jsonCommented - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • jsonCommented

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder jsonCommented​(String jsonCommented)
        If true, the server will accept JSON wrapped in a comment and will generate JSON wrapped in a comment. This is a defence against Ajax Hijacking. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: true Group: common
        jsonCommented - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • maxInterval

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder maxInterval​(int maxInterval)
        The max client side poll timeout in milliseconds. A client will be removed if a connection is not received in this time. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 30000 Group: common
        maxInterval - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • maxInterval

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder maxInterval​(String maxInterval)
        The max client side poll timeout in milliseconds. A client will be removed if a connection is not received in this time. The option will be converted to a <code>int</code> type. Default: 30000 Group: common
        maxInterval - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • multiFrameInterval

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder multiFrameInterval​(int multiFrameInterval)
        The client side poll timeout, if multiple connections are detected from the same browser. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 1500 Group: common
        multiFrameInterval - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • multiFrameInterval

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder multiFrameInterval​(String multiFrameInterval)
        The client side poll timeout, if multiple connections are detected from the same browser. The option will be converted to a <code>int</code> type. Default: 1500 Group: common
        multiFrameInterval - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • timeout

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder timeout​(int timeout)
        The server side poll timeout in milliseconds. This is how long the server will hold a reconnect request before responding. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 240000 Group: common
        timeout - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • timeout

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder timeout​(String timeout)
        The server side poll timeout in milliseconds. This is how long the server will hold a reconnect request before responding. The option will be converted to a <code>int</code> type. Default: 240000 Group: common
        timeout - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • disconnectLocalSession

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder disconnectLocalSession​(boolean disconnectLocalSession)
        Whether to disconnect local sessions after publishing a message to its channel. Disconnecting local session is needed as they are not swept by default by CometD, and therefore you can run out of memory. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer
        disconnectLocalSession - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • disconnectLocalSession

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder disconnectLocalSession​(String disconnectLocalSession)
        Whether to disconnect local sessions after publishing a message to its channel. Disconnecting local session is needed as they are not swept by default by CometD, and therefore you can run out of memory. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer
        disconnectLocalSession - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • lazyStartProducer

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder lazyStartProducer​(boolean lazyStartProducer)
        Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel's routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer
        lazyStartProducer - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • lazyStartProducer

        default CometdEndpointBuilderFactory.CometdEndpointProducerBuilder lazyStartProducer​(String lazyStartProducer)
        Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages via Camel's routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time and prolong the total processing time of the processing. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer
        lazyStartProducer - the value to set
        the dsl builder