Interface HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:
    org.apache.camel.builder.EndpointProducerBuilder, org.apache.camel.EndpointProducerResolver
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder
    extends org.apache.camel.builder.EndpointProducerBuilder
    Advanced builder for endpoint for the HTTP component.
    • Method Detail

      • httpBinding

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder httpBinding​(org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpBinding httpBinding)
        To use a custom HttpBinding to control the mapping between Camel message and HttpClient. The option is a: <code>org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpBinding</code> type. Group: common (advanced)
        httpBinding - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • httpBinding

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder httpBinding​(String httpBinding)
        To use a custom HttpBinding to control the mapping between Camel message and HttpClient. The option will be converted to a <code>org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpBinding</code> type. Group: common (advanced)
        httpBinding - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • cookieHandler

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder cookieHandler​(org.apache.camel.http.base.cookie.CookieHandler cookieHandler)
        Configure a cookie handler to maintain a HTTP session. The option is a: <code>org.apache.camel.http.base.cookie.CookieHandler</code> type. Group: producer (advanced)
        cookieHandler - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • cookieHandler

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder cookieHandler​(String cookieHandler)
        Configure a cookie handler to maintain a HTTP session. The option will be converted to a <code>org.apache.camel.http.base.cookie.CookieHandler</code> type. Group: producer (advanced)
        cookieHandler - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • cookieStore

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder cookieStore​(org.apache.http.client.CookieStore cookieStore)
        To use a custom CookieStore. By default the BasicCookieStore is used which is an in-memory only cookie store. Notice if bridgeEndpoint=true then the cookie store is forced to be a noop cookie store as cookie shouldn't be stored as we are just bridging (eg acting as a proxy). If a cookieHandler is set then the cookie store is also forced to be a noop cookie store as cookie handling is then performed by the cookieHandler. The option is a: <code>org.apache.http.client.CookieStore</code> type. Group: producer (advanced)
        cookieStore - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • cookieStore

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder cookieStore​(String cookieStore)
        To use a custom CookieStore. By default the BasicCookieStore is used which is an in-memory only cookie store. Notice if bridgeEndpoint=true then the cookie store is forced to be a noop cookie store as cookie shouldn't be stored as we are just bridging (eg acting as a proxy). If a cookieHandler is set then the cookie store is also forced to be a noop cookie store as cookie handling is then performed by the cookieHandler. The option will be converted to a <code>org.apache.http.client.CookieStore</code> type. Group: producer (advanced)
        cookieStore - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • deleteWithBody

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder deleteWithBody​(boolean deleteWithBody)
        Whether the HTTP DELETE should include the message body or not. By default HTTP DELETE do not include any HTTP body. However in some rare cases users may need to be able to include the message body. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer (advanced)
        deleteWithBody - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • deleteWithBody

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder deleteWithBody​(String deleteWithBody)
        Whether the HTTP DELETE should include the message body or not. By default HTTP DELETE do not include any HTTP body. However in some rare cases users may need to be able to include the message body. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer (advanced)
        deleteWithBody - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • getWithBody

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder getWithBody​(boolean getWithBody)
        Whether the HTTP GET should include the message body or not. By default HTTP GET do not include any HTTP body. However in some rare cases users may need to be able to include the message body. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer (advanced)
        getWithBody - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • getWithBody

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder getWithBody​(String getWithBody)
        Whether the HTTP GET should include the message body or not. By default HTTP GET do not include any HTTP body. However in some rare cases users may need to be able to include the message body. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer (advanced)
        getWithBody - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • okStatusCodeRange

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder okStatusCodeRange​(String okStatusCodeRange)
        The status codes which are considered a success response. The values are inclusive. Multiple ranges can be defined, separated by comma, e.g. 200-204,209,301-304. Each range must be a single number or from-to with the dash included. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: 200-299 Group: producer (advanced)
        okStatusCodeRange - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • skipRequestHeaders

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder skipRequestHeaders​(boolean skipRequestHeaders)
        Whether to skip mapping all the Camel headers as HTTP request headers. If there are no data from Camel headers needed to be included in the HTTP request then this can avoid parsing overhead with many object allocations for the JVM garbage collector. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer (advanced)
        skipRequestHeaders - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • skipRequestHeaders

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder skipRequestHeaders​(String skipRequestHeaders)
        Whether to skip mapping all the Camel headers as HTTP request headers. If there are no data from Camel headers needed to be included in the HTTP request then this can avoid parsing overhead with many object allocations for the JVM garbage collector. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer (advanced)
        skipRequestHeaders - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • skipResponseHeaders

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder skipResponseHeaders​(boolean skipResponseHeaders)
        Whether to skip mapping all the HTTP response headers to Camel headers. If there are no data needed from HTTP headers then this can avoid parsing overhead with many object allocations for the JVM garbage collector. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer (advanced)
        skipResponseHeaders - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • skipResponseHeaders

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder skipResponseHeaders​(String skipResponseHeaders)
        Whether to skip mapping all the HTTP response headers to Camel headers. If there are no data needed from HTTP headers then this can avoid parsing overhead with many object allocations for the JVM garbage collector. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: producer (advanced)
        skipResponseHeaders - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • userAgent

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder userAgent​(String userAgent)
        To set a custom HTTP User-Agent request header. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: producer (advanced)
        userAgent - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • clientBuilder

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder clientBuilder​(org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder clientBuilder)
        Provide access to the http client request parameters used on new RequestConfig instances used by producers or consumers of this endpoint. The option is a: <code>org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder</code> type. Group: advanced
        clientBuilder - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • clientBuilder

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder clientBuilder​(String clientBuilder)
        Provide access to the http client request parameters used on new RequestConfig instances used by producers or consumers of this endpoint. The option will be converted to a <code>org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder</code> type. Group: advanced
        clientBuilder - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • clientConnectionManager

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder clientConnectionManager​(org.apache.http.conn.HttpClientConnectionManager clientConnectionManager)
        To use a custom HttpClientConnectionManager to manage connections. The option is a: <code>org.apache.http.conn.HttpClientConnectionManager</code> type. Group: advanced
        clientConnectionManager - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • clientConnectionManager

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder clientConnectionManager​(String clientConnectionManager)
        To use a custom HttpClientConnectionManager to manage connections. The option will be converted to a <code>org.apache.http.conn.HttpClientConnectionManager</code> type. Group: advanced
        clientConnectionManager - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • connectionsPerRoute

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder connectionsPerRoute​(int connectionsPerRoute)
        The maximum number of connections per route. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 20 Group: advanced
        connectionsPerRoute - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • connectionsPerRoute

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder connectionsPerRoute​(String connectionsPerRoute)
        The maximum number of connections per route. The option will be converted to a <code>int</code> type. Default: 20 Group: advanced
        connectionsPerRoute - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • httpClient

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder httpClient​(org.apache.http.client.HttpClient httpClient)
        Sets a custom HttpClient to be used by the producer. The option is a: <code>org.apache.http.client.HttpClient</code> type. Group: advanced
        httpClient - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • httpClient

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder httpClient​(String httpClient)
        Sets a custom HttpClient to be used by the producer. The option will be converted to a <code>org.apache.http.client.HttpClient</code> type. Group: advanced
        httpClient - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • httpClientConfigurer

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder httpClientConfigurer​(org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpClientConfigurer httpClientConfigurer)
        Register a custom configuration strategy for new HttpClient instances created by producers or consumers such as to configure authentication mechanisms etc. The option is a: <code>org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpClientConfigurer</code> type. Group: advanced
        httpClientConfigurer - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • httpClientConfigurer

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder httpClientConfigurer​(String httpClientConfigurer)
        Register a custom configuration strategy for new HttpClient instances created by producers or consumers such as to configure authentication mechanisms etc. The option will be converted to a <code>org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpClientConfigurer</code> type. Group: advanced
        httpClientConfigurer - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • httpClientOptions

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder httpClientOptions​(String key,
                                                                                         Object value)
        To configure the HttpClient using the key/values from the Map. The option is a: <code>java.util.Map&lt;java.lang.String, java.lang.Object&gt;</code> type. The option is multivalued, and you can use the httpClientOptions(String, Object) method to add a value (call the method multiple times to set more values). Group: advanced
        key - the option key
        value - the option value
        the dsl builder
      • httpClientOptions

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder httpClientOptions​(Map values)
        To configure the HttpClient using the key/values from the Map. The option is a: <code>java.util.Map&lt;java.lang.String, java.lang.Object&gt;</code> type. The option is multivalued, and you can use the httpClientOptions(String, Object) method to add a value (call the method multiple times to set more values). Group: advanced
        values - the values
        the dsl builder
      • httpContext

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder httpContext​(org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext httpContext)
        To use a custom HttpContext instance. The option is a: <code>org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext</code> type. Group: advanced
        httpContext - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • httpContext

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder httpContext​(String httpContext)
        To use a custom HttpContext instance. The option will be converted to a <code>org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext</code> type. Group: advanced
        httpContext - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • maxTotalConnections

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder maxTotalConnections​(int maxTotalConnections)
        The maximum number of connections. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 200 Group: advanced
        maxTotalConnections - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • maxTotalConnections

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder maxTotalConnections​(String maxTotalConnections)
        The maximum number of connections. The option will be converted to a <code>int</code> type. Default: 200 Group: advanced
        maxTotalConnections - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • useSystemProperties

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder useSystemProperties​(boolean useSystemProperties)
        To use System Properties as fallback for configuration. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: advanced
        useSystemProperties - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • useSystemProperties

        default HttpEndpointBuilderFactory.AdvancedHttpEndpointBuilder useSystemProperties​(String useSystemProperties)
        To use System Properties as fallback for configuration. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: advanced
        useSystemProperties - the value to set
        the dsl builder