Interface SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:
    org.apache.camel.builder.EndpointConsumerBuilder, org.apache.camel.EndpointConsumerResolver
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder
    extends org.apache.camel.builder.EndpointConsumerBuilder
    Builder for endpoint consumers for the Simple JMS component.
    • Method Detail

      • acknowledgementMode

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder acknowledgementMode​(org.apache.camel.component.sjms.jms.SessionAcknowledgementType acknowledgementMode)
        The JMS acknowledgement name, which is one of: SESSION_TRANSACTED, CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. The option is a: <code>org.apache.camel.component.sjms.jms.SessionAcknowledgementType</code> type. Default: AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE Group: common
        acknowledgementMode - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • acknowledgementMode

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder acknowledgementMode​(String acknowledgementMode)
        The JMS acknowledgement name, which is one of: SESSION_TRANSACTED, CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. The option will be converted to a <code>org.apache.camel.component.sjms.jms.SessionAcknowledgementType</code> type. Default: AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE Group: common
        acknowledgementMode - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • connectionFactory

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder connectionFactory​(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
        The connection factory to be use. A connection factory must be configured either on the component or endpoint. The option is a: <code>javax.jms.ConnectionFactory</code> type. Group: common
        connectionFactory - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • connectionFactory

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder connectionFactory​(String connectionFactory)
        The connection factory to be use. A connection factory must be configured either on the component or endpoint. The option will be converted to a <code>javax.jms.ConnectionFactory</code> type. Group: common
        connectionFactory - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • disableReplyTo

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder disableReplyTo​(boolean disableReplyTo)
        Specifies whether Camel ignores the JMSReplyTo header in messages. If true, Camel does not send a reply back to the destination specified in the JMSReplyTo header. You can use this option if you want Camel to consume from a route and you do not want Camel to automatically send back a reply message because another component in your code handles the reply message. You can also use this option if you want to use Camel as a proxy between different message brokers and you want to route message from one system to another. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: common
        disableReplyTo - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • disableReplyTo

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder disableReplyTo​(String disableReplyTo)
        Specifies whether Camel ignores the JMSReplyTo header in messages. If true, Camel does not send a reply back to the destination specified in the JMSReplyTo header. You can use this option if you want Camel to consume from a route and you do not want Camel to automatically send back a reply message because another component in your code handles the reply message. You can also use this option if you want to use Camel as a proxy between different message brokers and you want to route message from one system to another. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: common
        disableReplyTo - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • replyTo

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder replyTo​(String replyTo)
        Provides an explicit ReplyTo destination (overrides any incoming value of Message.getJMSReplyTo() in consumer). The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: common
        replyTo - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • testConnectionOnStartup

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder testConnectionOnStartup​(boolean testConnectionOnStartup)
        Specifies whether to test the connection on startup. This ensures that when Camel starts that all the JMS consumers have a valid connection to the JMS broker. If a connection cannot be granted then Camel throws an exception on startup. This ensures that Camel is not started with failed connections. The JMS producers is tested as well. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: common
        testConnectionOnStartup - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • testConnectionOnStartup

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder testConnectionOnStartup​(String testConnectionOnStartup)
        Specifies whether to test the connection on startup. This ensures that when Camel starts that all the JMS consumers have a valid connection to the JMS broker. If a connection cannot be granted then Camel throws an exception on startup. This ensures that Camel is not started with failed connections. The JMS producers is tested as well. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: common
        testConnectionOnStartup - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • asyncConsumer

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder asyncConsumer​(boolean asyncConsumer)
        Whether the JmsConsumer processes the Exchange asynchronously. If enabled then the JmsConsumer may pickup the next message from the JMS queue, while the previous message is being processed asynchronously (by the Asynchronous Routing Engine). This means that messages may be processed not 100% strictly in order. If disabled (as default) then the Exchange is fully processed before the JmsConsumer will pickup the next message from the JMS queue. Note if transacted has been enabled, then asyncConsumer=true does not run asynchronously, as transaction must be executed synchronously (Camel 3.0 may support async transactions). The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: consumer
        asyncConsumer - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • asyncConsumer

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder asyncConsumer​(String asyncConsumer)
        Whether the JmsConsumer processes the Exchange asynchronously. If enabled then the JmsConsumer may pickup the next message from the JMS queue, while the previous message is being processed asynchronously (by the Asynchronous Routing Engine). This means that messages may be processed not 100% strictly in order. If disabled (as default) then the Exchange is fully processed before the JmsConsumer will pickup the next message from the JMS queue. Note if transacted has been enabled, then asyncConsumer=true does not run asynchronously, as transaction must be executed synchronously (Camel 3.0 may support async transactions). The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: consumer
        asyncConsumer - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • autoStartup

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder autoStartup​(boolean autoStartup)
        Specifies whether the consumer container should auto-startup. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: true Group: consumer
        autoStartup - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • autoStartup

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder autoStartup​(String autoStartup)
        Specifies whether the consumer container should auto-startup. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: true Group: consumer
        autoStartup - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • clientId

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder clientId​(String clientId)
        Sets the JMS client ID to use. Note that this value, if specified, must be unique and can only be used by a single JMS connection instance. It is typically only required for durable topic subscriptions. If using Apache ActiveMQ you may prefer to use Virtual Topics instead. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: consumer
        clientId - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • concurrentConsumers

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder concurrentConsumers​(int concurrentConsumers)
        Specifies the default number of concurrent consumers when consuming from JMS (not for request/reply over JMS). See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. When doing request/reply over JMS then the option replyToConcurrentConsumers is used to control number of concurrent consumers on the reply message listener. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 1 Group: consumer
        concurrentConsumers - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • concurrentConsumers

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder concurrentConsumers​(String concurrentConsumers)
        Specifies the default number of concurrent consumers when consuming from JMS (not for request/reply over JMS). See also the maxMessagesPerTask option to control dynamic scaling up/down of threads. When doing request/reply over JMS then the option replyToConcurrentConsumers is used to control number of concurrent consumers on the reply message listener. The option will be converted to a <code>int</code> type. Default: 1 Group: consumer
        concurrentConsumers - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • durableSubscriptionName

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder durableSubscriptionName​(String durableSubscriptionName)
        The durable subscriber name for specifying durable topic subscriptions. The clientId option must be configured as well. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: consumer
        durableSubscriptionName - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • replyToDeliveryPersistent

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder replyToDeliveryPersistent​(boolean replyToDeliveryPersistent)
        Specifies whether to use persistent delivery by default for replies. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: true Group: consumer
        replyToDeliveryPersistent - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • replyToDeliveryPersistent

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder replyToDeliveryPersistent​(String replyToDeliveryPersistent)
        Specifies whether to use persistent delivery by default for replies. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: true Group: consumer
        replyToDeliveryPersistent - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • transacted

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder transacted​(boolean transacted)
        Specifies whether to use transacted mode. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: transaction
        transacted - the value to set
        the dsl builder
      • transacted

        default SjmsEndpointBuilderFactory.SjmsEndpointConsumerBuilder transacted​(String transacted)
        Specifies whether to use transacted mode. The option will be converted to a <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: transaction
        transacted - the value to set
        the dsl builder