Class PubSubGrpc.PubSubStub

Enclosing class:

public static final class PubSubGrpc.PubSubStub extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractAsyncStub<PubSubGrpc.PubSubStub>
 The Pub/Sub API provides a single interface for publishing and subscribing to platform events, including real-time
 event monitoring events, and change data capture events. The Pub/Sub API is a gRPC API that is based on HTTP/2.
 A session token is needed to authenticate. Any of the Salesforce supported
 OAuth flows can be used to obtain a session token:
 For each RPC, a client needs to pass authentication information
 as metadata headers ( with their method call.
 For Salesforce session token authentication, use:
   accesstoken : access token
   instanceurl : Salesforce instance URL
   tenantid : tenant/org id of the client
 StatusException is thrown in case of response failure for any request.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub

    io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory<T extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub<T>>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    build(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions)
    getSchema(SchemaRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<SchemaInfo> responseObserver)
    Get the event schema for a topic based on a schema ID.
    getTopic(TopicRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<TopicInfo> responseObserver)
    Get the topic Information related to the specified topic.
    publish(PublishRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<PublishResponse> responseObserver)
    Send a publish request to synchronously publish events to a topic.
    publishStream(io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<PublishResponse> responseObserver)
    Bidirectional Streaming RPC to publish events to the event bus.
    subscribe(io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<FetchResponse> responseObserver)
    Bidirectional streaming RPC to subscribe to a Topic.

    Methods inherited from class io.grpc.stub.AbstractAsyncStub

    newStub, newStub

    Methods inherited from class io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub

    getCallOptions, getChannel, withCallCredentials, withChannel, withCompression, withDeadline, withDeadlineAfter, withExecutor, withInterceptors, withMaxInboundMessageSize, withMaxOutboundMessageSize, withOption, withWaitForReady

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • build

      protected PubSubGrpc.PubSubStub build(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions)
      Specified by:
      build in class io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub<PubSubGrpc.PubSubStub>
    • subscribe

      public io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<FetchRequest> subscribe(io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<FetchResponse> responseObserver)
       Bidirectional streaming RPC to subscribe to a Topic. The subscription is pull-based. A client can request
       for more events as it consumes events. This enables a client to handle flow control based on the client's processing speed.
       Typical flow:
       1. Client requests for X number of events via FetchRequest.
       2. Server receives request and delivers events until X events are delivered to the client via one or more FetchResponse messages.
       3. Client consumes the FetchResponse messages as they come.
       4. Client issues new FetchRequest for Y more number of events. This request can
          come before the server has delivered the earlier requested X number of events
          so the client gets a continuous stream of events if any.
       If a client requests more events before the server finishes the last
       requested amount, the server appends the new amount to the current amount of
       events it still needs to fetch and deliver.
       A client can subscribe at any point in the stream by providing a replay option in the first FetchRequest.
       The replay option is honored for the first FetchRequest received from a client. Any subsequent FetchRequests with a
       new replay option are ignored. A client needs to call the Subscribe RPC again to restart the subscription
       at a new point in the stream.
       The first FetchRequest of the stream identifies the topic to subscribe to.
       If any subsequent FetchRequest provides topic_name, it must match what
       was provided in the first FetchRequest; otherwise, the RPC returns an error
       with INVALID_ARGUMENT status.
    • getSchema

      public void getSchema(SchemaRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<SchemaInfo> responseObserver)
       Get the event schema for a topic based on a schema ID.
    • getTopic

      public void getTopic(TopicRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<TopicInfo> responseObserver)
       Get the topic Information related to the specified topic.
    • publish

      public void publish(PublishRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<PublishResponse> responseObserver)
       Send a publish request to synchronously publish events to a topic.
    • publishStream

      public io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<PublishRequest> publishStream(io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<PublishResponse> responseObserver)
       Bidirectional Streaming RPC to publish events to the event bus.
       PublishRequest contains the batch of events to publish.
       The first PublishRequest of the stream identifies the topic to publish on.
       If any subsequent PublishRequest provides topic_name, it must match what
       was provided in the first PublishRequest; otherwise, the RPC returns an error
       with INVALID_ARGUMENT status.
       The server returns a PublishResponse for each PublishRequest when publish is
       complete for the batch. A client does not have to wait for a PublishResponse
       before sending a new PublishRequest, i.e. multiple publish batches can be queued
       up, which allows for higher publish rate as a client can asynchronously
       publish more events while publishes are still in flight on the server side.
       PublishResponse holds a PublishResult for each event published that indicates success
       or failure of the publish. A client can then retry the publish as needed before sending
       more PublishRequests for new events to publish.
       A client must send a valid publish request with one or more events every 70 seconds to hold on to the stream.
       Otherwise, the server closes the stream and notifies the client. Once the client is notified of the stream closure,
       it must make a new PublishStream call to resume publishing.