Package org.apache.camel.spring

The classes for working with Camel and Spring along with the primary factory beans.


Class Summary
CamelBeanPostProcessor A bean post processor which implements the Bean Integration features in Camel.
CamelConsumerTemplateFactoryBean A Spring FactoryBean for creating a new ConsumerTemplate instance with a minimum of XML
CamelContextFactoryBean A Spring FactoryBean to create and initialize a SpringCamelContext and install routes either explicitly configured in Spring XML or found by searching the classpath for Java classes which extend RouteBuilder using the nested CamelContextFactoryBean.setPackages(String[]).
CamelEndpointFactoryBean A FactoryBean which instantiates Endpoint objects
CamelProducerTemplateFactoryBean A Spring FactoryBean for creating a new ProducerTemplate instance with a minimum of XML
CamelRedeliveryPolicyFactoryBean A FactoryBean which instantiates RedeliveryPolicy objects
CamelThreadPoolFactoryBean A FactoryBean which instantiates ExecutorService objects
ContextScanRouteBuilderFinder A helper class which will find all RouteBuilder instances on the Spring ApplicationContext.
ErrorHandlerDefinition The <errorHandler> tag element.
Main A command line tool for booting up a CamelContext using an optional Spring ApplicationContext
PackageScanRouteBuilderFinder A helper class which will find all RouteBuilder instances on the classpath
SpringCamelContext A Spring aware implementation of CamelContext which will automatically register itself with Springs lifecycle methods plus allows spring to be used to customize a any Type Converters as well as supporting accessing components and beans via the Spring ApplicationContext
SpringRouteBuilder An extension of the RouteBuilder to provide some additional helper methods

Enum Summary
ErrorHandlerType Used to configure the errorHandler type

Package org.apache.camel.spring Description

The classes for working with Camel and Spring along with the primary factory beans.

Apache CAMEL