Class ApiMethodHelper<T extends Enum<T> & ApiMethod>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ApiMethodHelper

        public ApiMethodHelper​(Class<T> apiMethodEnum,
                               Map<String,​String> aliases,
                               List<String> nullableArguments)
        Create a helper to work with a ApiMethod, using optional method aliases.
        apiMethodEnum - ApiMethod enumeration class
        aliases - Aliases mapped to actual method names
        nullableArguments - names of arguments that default to null value
    • Method Detail

      • getCandidateMethods

        public List<ApiMethod> getCandidateMethods​(String name)
        Gets methods that match the given name and arguments.

        Note that the args list is a required subset of arguments for returned methods.

        name - case sensitive method name or alias to lookup
        non-null unmodifiable list of methods that take all of the given arguments, empty if there is no match
      • getCandidateMethods

        public List<ApiMethod> getCandidateMethods​(String name,
                                                   Collection<String> argNames)
        Gets methods that match the given name and arguments.

        Note that the args list is a required subset of arguments for returned methods.

        name - case sensitive method name or alias to lookup
        argNames - unordered required argument names
        non-null unmodifiable list of methods that take all of the given arguments, empty if there is no match
      • filterMethods

        public List<ApiMethod> filterMethods​(List<? extends ApiMethod> methods,
                                             ApiMethodHelper.MatchType matchType)
        Filters a list of methods to those that take the given set of arguments.
        methods - list of methods to filter
        matchType - whether the arguments are an exact match, a subset or a super set of method args
        methods with arguments that satisfy the match type.

        For SUPER_SET match, if methods with exact match are found, methods that take a subset are ignored

      • filterMethods

        public List<ApiMethod> filterMethods​(List<? extends ApiMethod> methods,
                                             ApiMethodHelper.MatchType matchType,
                                             Collection<String> argNames)
        Filters a list of methods to those that take the given set of arguments.
        methods - list of methods to filter
        matchType - whether the arguments are an exact match, a subset or a super set of method args
        argNames - argument names to filter the list
        methods with arguments that satisfy the match type.

        For SUPER_SET match, if methods with exact match are found, methods that take a subset are ignored

      • getArguments

        public List<Object> getArguments​(String name)
                                  throws IllegalArgumentException
        Gets argument types and names for all overloaded methods and aliases with the given name.
        name - method name, either an exact name or an alias, exact matches are checked first
        list of arguments of the form Class type1, String name1, Class type2, String name2,...
      • getMissingProperties

        public Set<String> getMissingProperties​(String methodName,
                                                Set<String> argNames)
        Get missing properties.
        methodName - method name
        argNames - available arguments
        Set of missing argument names
      • getAliases

        public Map<String,​Set<String>> getAliases()
        Returns alias map.
        alias names mapped to method names.
      • allArguments

        public Map<String,​Class<?>> allArguments()
        Returns argument types and names used by all methods.
        map with argument names as keys, and types as values
      • getNullableArguments

        public List<String> getNullableArguments()
        Returns argument names that can be set to null if not specified.
        list of argument names
      • getHighestPriorityMethod

        public static ApiMethod getHighestPriorityMethod​(List<? extends ApiMethod> filteredMethods)
      • invokeMethod

        public static Object invokeMethod​(Object proxy,
                                          ApiMethod method,
                                          Map<String,​Object> properties)
                                   throws org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException
        Invokes given method with argument values from given properties.
        proxy - Proxy object for invoke
        method - method to invoke
        properties - Map of arguments
        result of method invocation
        org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException - on errors