Class AntPathMatcher


public class AntPathMatcher extends Object
PathMatcher implementation for Ant-style path patterns. Examples are provided below.

Part of this mapping code has been kindly borrowed from Apache Ant and Spring Framework.

The mapping matches URLs using the following rules:

  • ? matches one character
  • * matches zero or more characters
  • ** matches zero or more 'directories' in a path

Some examples:

  • com/t?st.jsp - matches com/test.jsp but also com/tast.jsp or com/txst.jsp
  • com/*.jsp - matches all .jsp files in the com directory
  • com/**/test.jsp - matches all test.jsp files underneath the com path
  • org/springframework/**/*.jsp - matches all .jsp files underneath the org/springframework path
  • org/**/servlet/bla.jsp - matches org/springframework/servlet/bla.jsp but also org/springframework/testing/servlet/bla.jsp and org/servlet/bla.jsp
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setPathSeparator

      public void setPathSeparator(String pathSeparator)
      Set the path separator to use for pattern parsing. Default is "/", as in Ant.
    • isPattern

      public boolean isPattern(String path)
    • match

      public boolean match(String pattern, String path)
    • anyMatch

      public boolean anyMatch(String[] patterns, String path)
    • anyMatch

      public boolean anyMatch(String[] patterns, String path, boolean isCaseSensitive)
    • matchStart

      public boolean matchStart(String pattern, String path)
    • match

      public boolean match(String pattern, String path, boolean isCaseSensitive)
    • matchStart

      public boolean matchStart(String pattern, String path, boolean isCaseSensitive)
    • doMatch

      protected boolean doMatch(String pattern, String path, boolean fullMatch, boolean isCaseSensitive)
      Actually match the given path against the given pattern.
      pattern - the pattern to match against
      path - the path String to test
      fullMatch - whether a full pattern match is required (else a pattern match as far as the given base path goes is sufficient)
      isCaseSensitive - Whether or not matching should be performed case sensitively.
      true if the supplied path matched, false if it didn't
    • extractPathWithinPattern

      public String extractPathWithinPattern(String pattern, String path)
      Given a pattern and a full path, determine the pattern-mapped part.

      For example:

      • '/docs/cvs/commit.html' and ' /docs/cvs/commit.html -> ''
      • '/docs/*' and '/docs/cvs/commit -> ' cvs/commit'
      • '/docs/cvs/*.html' and ' /docs/cvs/commit.html -> 'commit.html'
      • '/docs/**' and '/docs/cvs/commit -> ' cvs/commit'
      • '/docs/**\/*.html' and ' /docs/cvs/commit.html -> 'cvs/commit.html'
      • '/*.html' and '/docs/cvs/commit.html -> ' docs/cvs/commit.html'
      • '*.html' and '/docs/cvs/commit.html -> ' /docs/cvs/commit.html'
      • '*' and '/docs/cvs/commit.html -> ' /docs/cvs/commit.html'

      Assumes that match(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) returns true for ' pattern' and 'path', but does not enforce this.

    • tokenizeToStringArray

      public static String[] tokenizeToStringArray(String str, String delimiters)
      Tokenize the given String into a String array via a StringTokenizer. Trims tokens and omits empty tokens.

      The given delimiters string is supposed to consist of any number of delimiter characters. Each of those characters can be used to separate tokens. A delimiter is always a single character; for multi-character delimiters, consider using delimitedListToStringArray

      str - the String to tokenize
      delimiters - the delimiter characters, assembled as String (each of those characters is individually considered as delimiter).
      an array of the tokens
      See Also:
    • determineRootDir

      public String determineRootDir(String location)
      Determine the root directory for the given location.

      Used for determining the starting point for file matching, resolving the root directory location

      Will return "/WEB-INF/" for the pattern "/WEB-INF/*.xml", for example.

      location - the location to check
      the part of the location that denotes the root directory