All Classes and Interfaces

PathMatcher implementation for Ant-style path patterns.
A completion service that orders the completed tasks in the same order as they where submitted.
A back-off policy.
A builder for BackOff
A simple timer utility that use a linked BackOff to determine when a task should be executed.
This class is a camelCase ordered Properties where the key/values are stored in the order they are added or loaded.
Thread factory which creates threads supporting a naming pattern.
A Camel specific URI parser that parses endpoint URIs in a quasi syntax that Camel uses.
A map that uses case insensitive keys, but preserves the original key cases.
Utility methods for type casting.
This class is copied from the Apache ActiveMQ project.
A number of helper methods for working with collections
A resolver for file paths that supports resolving with system and environment properties.
File utilities.
A filtering iterator
Util class for InetAddress
IO helper class.
Encoding-aware file reader.
Encoding-aware file writer.
Encoding-aware input stream.
Holder for a key and value.
A ThreadLocal with an assigned name that makes introspection and debugging easier.
A number of useful helper methods for working with Objects
Helper for Camel OGNL (Object-Graph Navigation Language) expressions.
An OrderedProperties that also keeps track from which location the properties are sourced from, and default values.
This class is an ordered Properties where the key/values are stored in the order they are added or loaded.
Some helper methods for working with Java packages and versioning.
Generic holder object for pair values.
Predicate helpers, inspired by
Helper for working with reflection on classes.
Action to take on each class.
Callback interface invoked on each field in the hierarchy.
Action to take on each method.
Reject executing or processing some task.
Scheduled thread pool executor that creates RejectableFutureTask instead of FutureTask when registering new tasks for execution.
Thread pool executor that creates RejectableFutureTask instead of FutureTask when registering new tasks for execution.
A sized ScheduledExecutorService which will reject executing tasks if the task queue is full.
Skip based Iterator which skips the given Iterator a number of times.
An InputStream that skips the last byte of the underlying delegate InputStream if the last byte is equal to the given matchLast value.
A very simple stop watch.
Helper methods for working with Strings.
Utility class for parsing quoted string which is intended for parameters, separated by comma.
A synchronous ExecutorService which always invokes the task in the caller thread (just a thread pool facade).
Various helper method for thread naming.
Represent the kinds of options for rejection handlers for thread pools.
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result and may thrown an exception.
Represents a function that accepts two arguments, produces a result and may thrown an exception.
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and may thrown an exception.
Represents a function that accepts a single arguments, produces a result and may thrown an exception.
Represents a Runnable like interface that may thrown an exception.
Represents a supplier of results that may thrown an exception.
Represents a function that produces a long-valued result and may thrown an exception.
Represents an operation that accepts three input arguments and returns no result and may thrown an exception.
Time utils.
Represents an operation that accepts three input arguments and returns no result.
Unit utils.
Encoder for unsafe URI characters.
URI utilities.