Class ChangeSetPerformer

  extended by org.apache.commons.compress.changes.ChangeSetPerformer

public class ChangeSetPerformer
extends Object

Performs ChangeSet operations on a stream. This class is thread safe and can be used multiple times. It operates on a copy of the ChangeSet. If the ChangeSet changes, a new Performer must be created.

This class is immutable
This class is thread-safe

Constructor Summary
ChangeSetPerformer(ChangeSet changeSet)
          Constructs a ChangeSetPerformer with the changes from this ChangeSet
Method Summary
 ChangeSetResults perform(ArchiveInputStream in, ArchiveOutputStream out)
          Performs all changes collected in this ChangeSet on the input stream and streams the result to the output stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ChangeSetPerformer(ChangeSet changeSet)
Constructs a ChangeSetPerformer with the changes from this ChangeSet

changeSet - the ChangeSet which operations are used for performing
Method Detail


public ChangeSetResults perform(ArchiveInputStream in,
                                ArchiveOutputStream out)
                         throws IOException
Performs all changes collected in this ChangeSet on the input stream and streams the result to the output stream. Perform may be called more than once. This method finishes the stream, no other entries should be added after that.

in - the InputStream to perform the changes on
out - the resulting OutputStream with all modifications
the results of this operation
IOException - if an read/write error occurs

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