Package org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.snappy

Provides stream classes for decompressing streams using the Snappy algorithm.

See: Description

Package org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.snappy Description

Provides stream classes for decompressing streams using the Snappy algorithm.

The raw Snappy format which only contains the compressed data is supported by the SnappyCompressorInputStream class while the so called "framing format" is implemented by FramedSnappyCompressorInputStream. Note there have been different versions of the fraing format specification, the implementation in Commons Compress is based on the specification "Last revised: 2013-10-25".

Only the "framing format" can be auto-detected this means you have to speficy the format explicitly if you want to read a "raw" Snappy stream via CompressorStreamFactory.

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