Package org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.dump

This package provides stream classes for reading archives using the Unix DUMP format.


Class Summary
DumpArchiveConstants Various constants associated with dump archives.
DumpArchiveEntry This class represents an entry in a Dump archive.
DumpArchiveInputStream The DumpArchiveInputStream reads a UNIX dump archive as an InputStream.
DumpArchiveSummary This class represents identifying information about a Dump archive volume.

Enum Summary
DumpArchiveConstants.COMPRESSION_TYPE The type of compression.
DumpArchiveConstants.SEGMENT_TYPE The type of tape segment.

Exception Summary
DumpArchiveException Dump Archive Exception
InvalidFormatException Invalid Format Exception.
ShortFileException Short File Exception.
UnrecognizedFormatException Unrecognized Format Exception.
UnsupportedCompressionAlgorithmException Unsupported compression algorithm.

Package org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.dump Description

This package provides stream classes for reading archives using the Unix DUMP format. This format is similar to (and contemporary with) TAR but reads the raw filesystem directly. This means that writers are filesystem-specific even though the created archives are filesystem-agnostic.

Unlike other formats DUMP offers clean support for sparse files, extended attributes, and other file metadata. In addition DUMP supports incremental dump files can capture (most) file deletion. It also provides a native form of compression and will soon support native encryption as well.

In practice TAR archives are used for both distribution and backups. DUMP archives are used exclusively for backups.

Like any 30+-year-old application there are a number of variants. For pragmatic reasons we will only support archives with the 'new' tape header and inode formats. Other restrictions:

As of Apache Commons Compress 1.3 support for the dump format is read-only.

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