Uses of Class

Packages that use ZipArchiveEntry
org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.jar Provides stream classes for reading and writing archives using the ZIP format with some extensions for the special case of JAR archives. Provides stream classes for reading and writing archives using the ZIP format. 

Uses of ZipArchiveEntry in org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.jar

Subclasses of ZipArchiveEntry in org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.jar
 class JarArchiveEntry

Constructors in org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.jar with parameters of type ZipArchiveEntry
JarArchiveEntry(ZipArchiveEntry entry)

Uses of ZipArchiveEntry in

Methods in that return ZipArchiveEntry
 ZipArchiveEntry UnsupportedZipFeatureException.getEntry()
          The entry using the unsupported feature.
 ZipArchiveEntry ZipFile.getEntry(String name)
          Returns a named entry - or null if no entry by that name exists.
 ZipArchiveEntry ZipArchiveInputStream.getNextZipEntry()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ZipArchiveEntry
 Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> ZipFile.getEntries()
          Returns all entries.
 Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> ZipFile.getEntriesInPhysicalOrder()
          Returns all entries in physical order.

Methods in with parameters of type ZipArchiveEntry
 boolean ZipFile.canReadEntryData(ZipArchiveEntry ze)
          Whether this class is able to read the given entry.
 InputStream ZipFile.getInputStream(ZipArchiveEntry ze)
          Returns an InputStream for reading the contents of the given entry.
protected  void ZipArchiveOutputStream.writeCentralFileHeader(ZipArchiveEntry ze)
          Writes the central file header entry.
protected  void ZipArchiveOutputStream.writeDataDescriptor(ZipArchiveEntry ze)
          Writes the data descriptor entry.
protected  void ZipArchiveOutputStream.writeLocalFileHeader(ZipArchiveEntry ze)
          Writes the local file header entry

Constructors in with parameters of type ZipArchiveEntry
UnsupportedZipFeatureException(UnsupportedZipFeatureException.Feature reason, ZipArchiveEntry entry)
          Creates an exception.
ZipArchiveEntry(ZipArchiveEntry entry)
          Creates a new zip entry with fields taken from the specified zip entry.

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