Uses of Class

Packages that use Pair
org.apache.commons.lang3.exception Provides functionality for Exceptions. 
org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple Tuple classes, starting with a Pair class in version 3.0. 

Uses of Pair in org.apache.commons.lang3.exception

Methods in org.apache.commons.lang3.exception that return types with arguments of type Pair
 List<Pair<String,Object>> ContextedException.getContextEntries()
          Retrieves the full list of label-value pairs defined in the contextual data.
 List<Pair<String,Object>> ContextedRuntimeException.getContextEntries()
          Retrieves the full list of label-value pairs defined in the contextual data.
 List<Pair<String,Object>> DefaultExceptionContext.getContextEntries()
          Retrieves the full list of label-value pairs defined in the contextual data.
 List<Pair<String,Object>> ExceptionContext.getContextEntries()
          Retrieves the full list of label-value pairs defined in the contextual data.

Uses of Pair in org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple

Subclasses of Pair in org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple
 class ImmutablePair<L,R>
          An immutable pair consisting of two Object elements.
 class MutablePair<L,R>
          A mutable pair consisting of two Object elements.

Methods in org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple that return Pair
<L,R> Pair<L,R>
Pair.of(L left, R right)
          Obtains an immutable pair of from two objects inferring the generic types.

Methods in org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple with parameters of type Pair
 int Pair.compareTo(Pair<L,R> other)
          Compares the pair based on the left element followed by the right element.

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