Uses of Class

Packages that use Configuration
org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration of system parameters. 
org.apache.hadoop.fs An abstract file system API. 
org.apache.hadoop.fs.kfs A client for the Kosmos filesystem (KFS) 
org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3 A distributed, block-based implementation of FileSystem that uses Amazon S3 as a backing store. 
org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native A distributed implementation of FileSystem for reading and writing files on Amazon S3
org.apache.hadoop.http.lib This package provides user-selectable (via configuration) classes that add functionality to the web UI. Generic i/o code for use when reading and writing data to the network, to databases, and to files.   
org.apache.hadoop.ipc Tools to help define network clients and servers. Network-related classes.   
org.apache.hadoop.util Common utilities. 

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.conf

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.conf that return Configuration
 Configuration Configured.getConf()
 Configuration Configurable.getConf()
          Return the configuration used by this object.

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.conf with parameters of type Configuration
static void Configuration.dumpConfiguration(Configuration config, Writer out)
          Writes out all the parameters and their properties (final and resource) to the given Writer The format of the output would be { "properties" : [ {key1,value1,key1.isFinal,key1.resource}, {key2,value2, key2.isFinal,key2.resource}...
static Collection<ReconfigurationUtil.PropertyChange> ReconfigurationUtil.getChangedProperties(Configuration newConf, Configuration oldConf)
 void Configured.setConf(Configuration conf)
 void Configurable.setConf(Configuration conf)
          Set the configuration to be used by this object.

Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.conf with parameters of type Configuration
Configuration(Configuration other)
          A new configuration with the same settings cloned from another.
Configured(Configuration conf)
          Construct a Configured.
ReconfigurableBase(Configuration conf)
          Construct a ReconfigurableBase with the Configuration conf.

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.fs

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.fs that return Configuration
 Configuration FilterFileSystem.getConf()

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.fs with parameters of type Configuration
static boolean FileUtil.copy(File src, FileSystem dstFS, Path dst, boolean deleteSource, Configuration conf)
          Copy local files to a FileSystem.
static boolean FileUtil.copy(FileSystem srcFS, Path[] srcs, FileSystem dstFS, Path dst, boolean deleteSource, boolean overwrite, Configuration conf)
static boolean FileUtil.copy(FileSystem srcFS, Path src, File dst, boolean deleteSource, Configuration conf)
          Copy FileSystem files to local files.
static boolean FileUtil.copy(FileSystem srcFS, Path src, FileSystem dstFS, Path dst, boolean deleteSource, boolean overwrite, Configuration conf)
          Copy files between FileSystems.
static boolean FileUtil.copy(FileSystem srcFS, Path src, FileSystem dstFS, Path dst, boolean deleteSource, Configuration conf)
          Copy files between FileSystems.
static boolean FileUtil.copyMerge(FileSystem srcFS, Path srcDir, FileSystem dstFS, Path dstFile, boolean deleteSource, Configuration conf, String addString)
          Copy all files in a directory to one output file (merge).
static AbstractFileSystem AbstractFileSystem.createFileSystem(URI uri, Configuration conf)
          Create a file system instance for the specified uri using the conf.
static FileSystem FileSystem.get(Configuration conf)
          Returns the configured filesystem implementation.
static AbstractFileSystem AbstractFileSystem.get(URI uri, Configuration conf)
          The main factory method for creating a file system.
static FileSystem FileSystem.get(URI uri, Configuration conf)
          Returns the FileSystem for this URI's scheme and authority.
static FileSystem FileSystem.get(URI uri, Configuration conf, String user)
          Get a filesystem instance based on the uri, the passed configuration and the user
static URI FileSystem.getDefaultUri(Configuration conf)
          Get the default filesystem URI from a configuration.
static FileContext FileContext.getFileContext(AbstractFileSystem defFS, Configuration aConf)
          Create a FileContext with specified FS as default using the specified config.
static FileContext FileContext.getFileContext(Configuration aConf)
          Create a FileContext using the passed config.
static FileContext FileContext.getFileContext(URI defaultFsUri, Configuration aConf)
          Create a FileContext for specified default URI using the specified config.
 FileSystem Path.getFileSystem(Configuration conf)
          Return the FileSystem that owns this Path.
static Class<? extends FileSystem> FileSystem.getFileSystemClass(String scheme, Configuration conf)
static TrashPolicy TrashPolicy.getInstance(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Path home)
          Get an instance of the configured TrashPolicy based on the value of the configuration paramater fs.trash.classname.
static LocalFileSystem FileSystem.getLocal(Configuration conf)
          Get the local file system.
static FileContext FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext(Configuration aConf)
static FileSystem FileSystem.getNamed(String name, Configuration conf)
          Deprecated. call #get(URI,Configuration) instead.
abstract  void TrashPolicy.initialize(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Path home)
          Used to setup the trash policy.
 void HarFileSystem.initialize(URI name, Configuration conf)
          Initialize a Har filesystem per har archive.
 void FilterFileSystem.initialize(URI name, Configuration conf)
          Called after a new FileSystem instance is constructed.
 void LocalFileSystem.initialize(URI name, Configuration conf)
 void RawLocalFileSystem.initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf)
 void FileSystem.initialize(URI name, Configuration conf)
          Called after a new FileSystem instance is constructed.
static boolean Trash.moveToAppropriateTrash(FileSystem fs, Path p, Configuration conf)
          In case of the symlinks or mount points, one has to move the appropriate trashbin in the actual volume of the path p being deleted.
static FileSystem FileSystem.newInstance(Configuration conf)
          Returns a unique configured filesystem implementation.
static FileSystem FileSystem.newInstance(URI uri, Configuration conf)
          Returns the FileSystem for this URI's scheme and authority.
static FileSystem FileSystem.newInstance(URI uri, Configuration conf, String user)
          Returns the FileSystem for this URI's scheme and authority and the passed user.
static LocalFileSystem FileSystem.newInstanceLocal(Configuration conf)
          Get a unique local file system object
 void ChecksumFileSystem.setConf(Configuration conf)
static void FileSystem.setDefaultUri(Configuration conf, String uri)
          Set the default filesystem URI in a configuration.
static void FileSystem.setDefaultUri(Configuration conf, URI uri)
          Set the default filesystem URI in a configuration.

Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.fs with parameters of type Configuration
Trash(Configuration conf)
          Construct a trash can accessor.
Trash(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf)
          Construct a trash can accessor for the FileSystem provided.

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.fs.ftp

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.fs.ftp with parameters of type Configuration
 void FTPFileSystem.initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf)

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.fs.kfs

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.fs.kfs with parameters of type Configuration
 void KosmosFileSystem.initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf)

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission with parameters of type Configuration
static FsPermission FsPermission.getUMask(Configuration conf)
          Get the user file creation mask (umask) UMASK_LABEL config param has umask value that is either symbolic or octal.
static void FsPermission.setUMask(Configuration conf, FsPermission umask)
          Set the user file creation mask (umask)

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3 with parameters of type Configuration
 void S3FileSystem.initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf)

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native with parameters of type Configuration
 void NativeS3FileSystem.initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf)

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs with parameters of type Configuration
static void ConfigUtil.addLink(Configuration conf, String mountTableName, String src, URI target)
          Add a link to the config for the specified mount table
static void ConfigUtil.addLink(Configuration conf, String src, URI target)
          Add a link to the config for the default mount table
static String ConfigUtil.getHomeDirValue(Configuration conf)
          Get the value of the home dir conf value for default mount table
static String ConfigUtil.getHomeDirValue(Configuration conf, String mountTableName)
          Get the value of the home dir conf value for specfied mount table
 void ViewFileSystem.initialize(URI theUri, Configuration conf)
          Called after a new FileSystem instance is constructed.
static void ConfigUtil.setHomeDirConf(Configuration conf, String homedir)
          Add config variable for homedir for default mount table
static void ConfigUtil.setHomeDirConf(Configuration conf, String mountTableName, String homedir)
          Add config variable for homedir the specified mount table

Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs with parameters of type Configuration
ViewFileSystem(Configuration conf)
          Convenience Constructor for apps to call directly
ViewFs(Configuration conf)

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.ha

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.ha with parameters of type Configuration
 HAServiceProtocol HAServiceTarget.getProxy(Configuration conf, int timeoutMs)

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.http

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.http with parameters of type Configuration
abstract  void FilterInitializer.initFilter(FilterContainer container, Configuration conf)
          Initialize a Filter to a FilterContainer.

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.http.lib

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.http.lib with parameters of type Configuration
 void StaticUserWebFilter.initFilter(FilterContainer container, Configuration conf)

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in that return Configuration
 Configuration AbstractMapWritable.getConf()
 Configuration EnumSetWritable.getConf()
          Return the configuration used by this object.
 Configuration ObjectWritable.getConf()
 Configuration GenericWritable.getConf()

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
<T extends Writable>
WritableUtils.clone(T orig, Configuration conf)
          Make a copy of a writable object using serialization to a buffer.
static void IOUtils.copyBytes(InputStream in, OutputStream out, Configuration conf)
          Copies from one stream to another.
static void IOUtils.copyBytes(InputStream in, OutputStream out, Configuration conf, boolean close)
          Copies from one stream to another.
protected  SequenceFile.Reader MapFile.Reader.createDataFileReader(Path dataFile, Configuration conf, SequenceFile.Reader.Option... options)
          Override this method to specialize the type of SequenceFile.Reader returned.
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration conf, FSDataOutputStream out, Class keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compressionType, CompressionCodec codec)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration conf, FSDataOutputStream out, Class keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compressionType, CompressionCodec codec, SequenceFile.Metadata metadata)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration conf, SequenceFile.Writer.Option... opts)
          Create a new Writer with the given options.
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(FileContext fc, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compressionType, CompressionCodec codec, SequenceFile.Metadata metadata, EnumSet<CreateFlag> createFlag, Options.CreateOpts... opts)
          Construct the preferred type of SequenceFile Writer.
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, boolean createParent, SequenceFile.CompressionType compressionType, CompressionCodec codec, SequenceFile.Metadata metadata)
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, SequenceFile.CompressionType compressionType, CompressionCodec codec, Progressable progress, SequenceFile.Metadata metadata)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compressionType)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compressionType, CompressionCodec codec)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compressionType, CompressionCodec codec, Progressable progress)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compressionType, CompressionCodec codec, Progressable progress, SequenceFile.Metadata metadata)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
static SequenceFile.Writer SequenceFile.createWriter(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compressionType, Progressable progress)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
static long MapFile.fix(FileSystem fs, Path dir, Class<? extends Writable> keyClass, Class<? extends Writable> valueClass, boolean dryrun, Configuration conf)
          This method attempts to fix a corrupt MapFile by re-creating its index.
static SequenceFile.CompressionType SequenceFile.getDefaultCompressionType(Configuration job)
          Get the compression type for the reduce outputs
<K> K
DefaultStringifier.load(Configuration conf, String keyName, Class<K> itemClass)
          Restores the object from the configuration.
<K> K[]
DefaultStringifier.loadArray(Configuration conf, String keyName, Class<K> itemClass)
          Restores the array of objects from the configuration.
static Class<?> ObjectWritable.loadClass(Configuration conf, String className)
          Find and load the class with given name className by first finding it in the specified conf.
static Writable WritableFactories.newInstance(Class<? extends Writable> c, Configuration conf)
          Create a new instance of a class with a defined factory.
protected  void dir, WritableComparator comparator, Configuration conf, SequenceFile.Reader.Option... options)
static Object ObjectWritable.readObject(DataInput in, Configuration conf)
          Read a Writable, String, primitive type, or an array of the preceding.
static Object ObjectWritable.readObject(DataInput in, ObjectWritable objectWritable, Configuration conf)
          Read a Writable, String, primitive type, or an array of the preceding.
 void AbstractMapWritable.setConf(Configuration conf)
 void EnumSetWritable.setConf(Configuration conf)
          Set the configuration to be used by this object.
 void ObjectWritable.setConf(Configuration conf)
 void GenericWritable.setConf(Configuration conf)
static void SequenceFile.setDefaultCompressionType(Configuration job, SequenceFile.CompressionType val)
          Set the default compression type for sequence files.
static void MapFile.Writer.setIndexInterval(Configuration conf, int interval)
          Sets the index interval and stores it in conf
<K> void conf, K item, String keyName)
          Stores the item in the configuration with the given keyName.
<K> void
DefaultStringifier.storeArray(Configuration conf, K[] items, String keyName)
          Stores the array of items in the configuration with the given keyName.
static void ObjectWritable.writeObject(DataOutput out, Object instance, Class declaredClass, Configuration conf)
          Write a Writable, String, primitive type, or an array of the preceding.
static void ObjectWritable.writeObject(DataOutput out, Object instance, Class declaredClass, Configuration conf, boolean allowCompactArrays)
          Write a Writable, String, primitive type, or an array of the preceding.

Constructors in with parameters of type Configuration
ArrayFile.Reader(FileSystem fs, String file, Configuration conf)
          Construct an array reader for the named file.
ArrayFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String file, Class<? extends Writable> valClass)
          Create the named file for values of the named class.
ArrayFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String file, Class<? extends Writable> valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress, Progressable progress)
          Create the named file for values of the named class.
BloomMapFile.Reader(FileSystem fs, String dirName, Configuration conf)
BloomMapFile.Reader(FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Configuration conf)
BloomMapFile.Reader(FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Configuration conf, boolean open)
BloomMapFile.Reader(Path dir, Configuration conf, SequenceFile.Reader.Option... options)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass, Class valClass)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass, Class<? extends Writable> valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress, CompressionCodec codec, Progressable progress)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress, Progressable progress)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Class valClass)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress, CompressionCodec codec, Progressable progress)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress, Progressable progress)
BloomMapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, Path dir, SequenceFile.Writer.Option... options)
DefaultStringifier(Configuration conf, Class<T> c)
MapFile.Reader(FileSystem fs, String dirName, Configuration conf)
MapFile.Reader(FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Configuration conf)
MapFile.Reader(Path dir, Configuration conf, SequenceFile.Reader.Option... opts)
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass, Class valClass)
          Deprecated. Use Writer(Configuration, Path, Option...) instead.
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress)
          Deprecated. Use Writer(Configuration, Path, Option...) instead.
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress, CompressionCodec codec, Progressable progress)
          Deprecated. Use Writer(Configuration, Path, Option...) instead.
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress, Progressable progress)
          Deprecated. Use Writer(Configuration, Path, Option...) instead.
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Class valClass)
          Deprecated. Use Writer(Configuration, Path, Option...) instead.
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress)
          Deprecated. Use Writer(Configuration, Path, Option...) instead.
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress, CompressionCodec codec, Progressable progress)
          Deprecated. Use Writer(Configuration, Path, Option...) instead.
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Class valClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress, Progressable progress)
          Deprecated. Use Writer(Configuration, Path, Option...)} instead.
MapFile.Writer(Configuration conf, Path dirName, SequenceFile.Writer.Option... opts)
SequenceFile.Reader(Configuration conf, SequenceFile.Reader.Option... opts)
SequenceFile.Reader(FileSystem fs, Path file, Configuration conf)
          Deprecated. Use Reader(Configuration, Option...) instead.
SequenceFile.Reader(FSDataInputStream in, int buffersize, long start, long length, Configuration conf)
          Deprecated. Use Reader(Configuration, Reader.Option...) instead.
SequenceFile.Sorter(FileSystem fs, Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass, Class valClass, Configuration conf)
          Sort and merge files containing the named classes.
SequenceFile.Sorter(FileSystem fs, RawComparator comparator, Class keyClass, Class valClass, Configuration conf)
          Sort and merge using an arbitrary RawComparator.
SequenceFile.Sorter(FileSystem fs, RawComparator comparator, Class keyClass, Class valClass, Configuration conf, SequenceFile.Metadata metadata)
          Sort and merge using an arbitrary RawComparator.
SequenceFile.Writer(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
SequenceFile.Writer(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress, SequenceFile.Metadata metadata)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
SequenceFile.Writer(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf, Path name, Class keyClass, Class valClass, Progressable progress, SequenceFile.Metadata metadata)
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFile.createWriter(Configuration, Writer.Option...) instead.
SetFile.Reader(FileSystem fs, String dirName, Configuration conf)
          Construct a set reader for the named set.
SetFile.Reader(FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, Configuration conf)
          Construct a set reader for the named set using the named comparator.
SetFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, Class<? extends WritableComparable> keyClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress)
          Create a set naming the element class and compression type.
SetFile.Writer(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, String dirName, WritableComparator comparator, SequenceFile.CompressionType compress)
          Create a set naming the element comparator and compression type.

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in that return Configuration
 Configuration DefaultCodec.getConf()
 Configuration Lz4Codec.getConf()
          Return the configuration used by this object.
 Configuration SnappyCodec.getConf()
          Return the configuration used by this object.

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
static List<Class<? extends CompressionCodec>> CompressionCodecFactory.getCodecClasses(Configuration conf)
          Get the list of codecs discovered via a Java ServiceLoader, or listed in the configuration.
static Compressor CodecPool.getCompressor(CompressionCodec codec, Configuration conf)
          Get a Compressor for the given CompressionCodec from the pool or a new one.
 void Compressor.reinit(Configuration conf)
          Prepare the compressor to be used in a new stream with settings defined in the given Configuration
static void CompressionCodecFactory.setCodecClasses(Configuration conf, List<Class> classes)
          Sets a list of codec classes in the configuration.
 void DefaultCodec.setConf(Configuration conf)
 void Lz4Codec.setConf(Configuration conf)
          Set the configuration to be used by this object.
 void SnappyCodec.setConf(Configuration conf)
          Set the configuration to be used by this object.

Constructors in with parameters of type Configuration
CompressionCodecFactory(Configuration conf)
          Find the codecs specified in the config value io.compression.codecs and register them.

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
 void BZip2DummyCompressor.reinit(Configuration conf)

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
 void Lz4Compressor.reinit(Configuration conf)
          Prepare the compressor to be used in a new stream with settings defined in the given Configuration

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
 void SnappyCompressor.reinit(Configuration conf)
          Prepare the compressor to be used in a new stream with settings defined in the given Configuration

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
static ZlibCompressor.CompressionLevel ZlibFactory.getCompressionLevel(Configuration conf)
static ZlibCompressor.CompressionStrategy ZlibFactory.getCompressionStrategy(Configuration conf)
static Compressor ZlibFactory.getZlibCompressor(Configuration conf)
          Return the appropriate implementation of the zlib compressor.
static Class<? extends Compressor> ZlibFactory.getZlibCompressorType(Configuration conf)
          Return the appropriate type of the zlib compressor.
static Decompressor ZlibFactory.getZlibDecompressor(Configuration conf)
          Return the appropriate implementation of the zlib decompressor.
static Class<? extends Decompressor> ZlibFactory.getZlibDecompressorType(Configuration conf)
          Return the appropriate type of the zlib decompressor.
static boolean ZlibFactory.isNativeZlibLoaded(Configuration conf)
          Check if native-zlib code is loaded & initialized correctly and can be loaded for this job.
 void BuiltInZlibDeflater.reinit(Configuration conf)
          reinit the compressor with the given configuration.
 void ZlibCompressor.reinit(Configuration conf)
          Prepare the compressor to be used in a new stream with settings defined in the given Configuration.
static void ZlibFactory.setCompressionLevel(Configuration conf, ZlibCompressor.CompressionLevel level)
static void ZlibFactory.setCompressionStrategy(Configuration conf, ZlibCompressor.CompressionStrategy strategy)

Constructors in with parameters of type Configuration
ZlibCompressor(Configuration conf)
          Creates a new compressor, taking settings from the configuration.

Uses of Configuration in

Constructors in with parameters of type Configuration
TFile.Reader(FSDataInputStream fsdis, long fileLength, Configuration conf)
TFile.Writer(FSDataOutputStream fsdos, int minBlockSize, String compressName, String comparator, Configuration conf)

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.ipc

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.ipc with parameters of type Configuration
static void Server.bind(ServerSocket socket, InetSocketAddress address, int backlog, Configuration conf, String rangeConf)
static Object[] method, Object[][] params, InetSocketAddress[] addrs, Configuration conf)
          Deprecated. Use, Object[][], InetSocketAddress[], UserGroupInformation, Configuration) instead
static Object[] method, Object[][] params, InetSocketAddress[] addrs, ticket, Configuration conf)
          Expert: Make multiple, parallel calls to a set of servers.
 Object[] method, Object[][] params, InetSocketAddress[] addrs, ticket, Configuration conf)
          Expert: Make multiple, parallel calls to a set of servers.
 Object[] method, Object[][] params, InetSocketAddress[] addrs, ticket, Configuration conf)
 Object[] method, Object[][] params, InetSocketAddress[] addrs, ticket, Configuration conf)
          Expert: Make multiple, parallel calls to a set of servers.
 Writable rpcKind, Writable param, InetSocketAddress addr, Class<?> protocol, ticket, int rpcTimeout, Configuration conf)
          Make a call, passing param, to the IPC server running at address which is servicing the protocol protocol, with the ticket credentials, rpcTimeout as timeout and conf as conf for this connection, returning the value.
 Writable[][] params, InetSocketAddress[] addresses, Class<?> protocol, ticket, Configuration conf)
          Makes a set of calls in parallel.
 Writable param, InetSocketAddress addr, Class<?> protocol, ticket, int rpcTimeout, Configuration conf)
          Same as, Writable, InetSocketAddress, Class, UserGroupInformation, int, Configuration) except that rpcKind is writable.
 ProtocolProxy<ProtocolMetaInfoPB> WritableRpcEngine.getProtocolMetaInfoProxy(org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client.ConnectionId connId, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory)
 ProtocolProxy<ProtocolMetaInfoPB> ProtobufRpcEngine.getProtocolMetaInfoProxy(org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client.ConnectionId connId, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory)
 ProtocolProxy<ProtocolMetaInfoPB> RpcEngine.getProtocolMetaInfoProxy(org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client.ConnectionId connId, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory)
          Returns a proxy for ProtocolMetaInfoPB, which uses the given connection id.
<T> ProtocolProxy<T>
RPC.getProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf)
          Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server and a set of methods that are supported by the server
<T> ProtocolProxy<T>
RPC.getProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory)
          Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server and a set of methods that are supported by the server
<T> ProtocolProxy<T>
RPC.getProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory)
          Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server and a set of methods that are supported by the server
<T> ProtocolProxy<T>
RPC.getProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory, int rpcTimeout)
          Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server and a set of methods that are supported by the server
<T> T
RPC.getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf)
          Construct a client-side proxy object with the default SocketFactory
<T> T
RPC.getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory)
          Construct a client-side proxy object that implements the named protocol, talking to a server at the named address.
<T> T
RPC.getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory)
          Construct a client-side proxy object that implements the named protocol, talking to a server at the named address.
<T> T
RPC.getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory, int rpcTimeout)
          Construct a client-side proxy that implements the named protocol, talking to a server at the named address.
<T> ProtocolProxy<T>
WritableRpcEngine.getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory, int rpcTimeout)
          Construct a client-side proxy object that implements the named protocol, talking to a server at the named address.
<T> ProtocolProxy<T>
ProtobufRpcEngine.getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory, int rpcTimeout)
<T> ProtocolProxy<T>
RpcEngine.getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory, int rpcTimeout)
          Construct a client-side proxy object.
static RPC.Server RPC.getServer(Class<?> protocol, Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, Configuration conf)
          Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance.
static RPC.Server RPC.getServer(Class<?> protocol, Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, boolean verbose, Configuration conf)
          Deprecated. secretManager should be passed.
static RPC.Server RPC.getServer(Class<?> protocol, Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, boolean verbose, Configuration conf,<? extends> secretManager)
          Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance.
static RPC.Server RPC.getServer(Class<?> protocol, Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, boolean verbose, Configuration conf,<? extends> secretManager, String portRangeConfig)
 RPC.Server WritableRpcEngine.getServer(Class<?> protocolClass, Object protocolImpl, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, boolean verbose, Configuration conf,<? extends> secretManager, String portRangeConfig)
 RPC.Server ProtobufRpcEngine.getServer(Class<?> protocol, Object protocolImpl, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, boolean verbose, Configuration conf,<? extends> secretManager, String portRangeConfig)
 RPC.Server RpcEngine.getServer(Class<?> protocol, Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, boolean verbose, Configuration conf,<? extends> secretManager, String portRangeConfig)
          Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance.
<PROTO extends VersionedProtocol,IMPL extends PROTO>
RPC.getServer(Class<PROTO> protocol, IMPL instance, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, boolean verbose, Configuration conf,<? extends> secretManager)
          Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance.
static RPC.Server RPC.getServer(Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, Configuration conf)
          Deprecated. protocol interface should be passed.
static RPC.Server RPC.getServer(Object instance, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, boolean verbose, Configuration conf)
          Deprecated. protocol interface should be passed.
static int Client.getTimeout(Configuration conf)
          The time after which a RPC will timeout.
 void Server.refreshServiceAcl(Configuration conf, provider)
          Refresh the service authorization ACL for the service handled by this server.
static void Client.setPingInterval(Configuration conf, int pingInterval)
          set the ping interval value in configuration
static void RPC.setProtocolEngine(Configuration conf, Class<?> protocol, Class<?> engine)
          Set a protocol to use a non-default RpcEngine.
<T> ProtocolProxy<T>
RPC.waitForProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf)
          Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server and a set of methods that are supported by the server
<T> ProtocolProxy<T>
RPC.waitForProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, int rpcTimeout, long timeout)
          Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server and a set of methods that are supported by the server
<T> ProtocolProxy<T>
RPC.waitForProtocolProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, long connTimeout)
          Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server and a set of methods that are supported by the server
<T> T
RPC.waitForProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf)
          Get a proxy connection to a remote server
<T> T
RPC.waitForProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, int rpcTimeout, long timeout)
          Get a proxy connection to a remote server
<T> T
RPC.waitForProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, long connTimeout)
          Get a proxy connection to a remote server

Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.ipc with parameters of type Configuration
Client(Class<? extends Writable> valueClass, Configuration conf)
          Construct an IPC client with the default SocketFactory
Client(Class<? extends Writable> valueClass, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory)
          Construct an IPC client whose values are of the given Writable class.
ProtobufRpcEngine.Server(Class<?> protocolClass, Object protocolImpl, Configuration conf, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, boolean verbose,<? extends> secretManager, String portRangeConfig)
          Construct an RPC server.
RPC.Server(String bindAddress, int port, Class<? extends Writable> paramClass, int handlerCount, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, Configuration conf, String serverName,<? extends> secretManager, String portRangeConfig)
Server(String bindAddress, int port, Class<? extends Writable> paramClass, int handlerCount, Configuration conf)
Server(String bindAddress, int port, Class<? extends Writable> rpcRequestClass, int handlerCount, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, Configuration conf, String serverName,<? extends> secretManager)
Server(String bindAddress, int port, Class<? extends Writable> rpcRequestClass, int handlerCount, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, Configuration conf, String serverName,<? extends> secretManager, String portRangeConfig)
          Constructs a server listening on the named port and address.
WritableRpcEngine.Server(Class<?> protocolClass, Object protocolImpl, Configuration conf, String bindAddress, int port)
          Construct an RPC server.
WritableRpcEngine.Server(Class<?> protocolClass, Object protocolImpl, Configuration conf, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, boolean verbose,<? extends> secretManager, String portRangeConfig)
          Construct an RPC server.
WritableRpcEngine.Server(Object instance, Configuration conf, String bindAddress, int port)
          Deprecated. Use #Server(Class, Object, Configuration, String, int)
WritableRpcEngine.Server(Object protocolImpl, Configuration conf, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, boolean verbose,<? extends> secretManager)
          Deprecated. use Server#Server(Class, Object, Configuration, String, int, int, int, int, boolean, SecretManager)

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in that return Configuration
 Configuration SocksSocketFactory.getConf()
 Configuration ScriptBasedMapping.getConf()
 Configuration AbstractDNSToSwitchMapping.getConf()
 Configuration TableMapping.getConf()

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
 void SocksSocketFactory.setConf(Configuration conf)
 void ScriptBasedMapping.setConf(Configuration conf)
          Set the configuration to be used by this object.
 void AbstractDNSToSwitchMapping.setConf(Configuration conf)
 void TableMapping.setConf(Configuration conf)

Constructors in with parameters of type Configuration
AbstractDNSToSwitchMapping(Configuration conf)
          Create an instance, caching the configuration file.
ScriptBasedMapping(Configuration conf)
          Create an instance from the given configuration

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration AnnotatedSecurityInfo.getKerberosInfo(Class<?> protocol, Configuration conf)
    AnnotatedSecurityInfo.getTokenInfo(Class<?> protocol, Configuration conf)
 void AuthenticationFilterInitializer.initFilter(FilterContainer container, Configuration conf)
          Initializes hadoop-auth AuthenticationFilter.

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
protected abstract  InetSocketAddress GetGroupsBase.getProtocolAddress(Configuration conf)
          Must be overridden by subclasses to get the address where the GetUserMappingsProtocol implementation is running.

Constructors in with parameters of type Configuration
GetGroupsBase(Configuration conf)
          Create an instance of this tool using the given configuration.
GetGroupsBase(Configuration conf, PrintStream out)
          Used exclusively for testing.

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.hadoop.util

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.util with parameters of type Configuration
<T> T
ReflectionUtils.copy(Configuration conf, T src, T dst)
          Make a copy of the writable object using serialization to a buffer
<T> T
ReflectionUtils.newInstance(Class<T> theClass, Configuration conf)
          Create an object for the given class and initialize it from conf
static int conf, Tool tool, String[] args)
          Runs the given Tool by[]), after parsing with the given generic arguments.
static void ReflectionUtils.setConf(Object theObject, Configuration conf)
          Check and set 'configuration' if necessary.

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