Interface RawComparator<T>

Type Parameters:
T -
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BooleanWritable.Comparator, BytesWritable.Comparator, ByteWritable.Comparator,, DoubleWritable.Comparator, FloatWritable.Comparator, IntWritable.Comparator, JavaSerializationComparator, LongWritable.Comparator, LongWritable.DecreasingComparator, MD5Hash.Comparator, NullWritable.Comparator, RecordComparator, ShortWritable.Comparator, Text.Comparator, UTF8.Comparator, WritableComparator

public interface RawComparator<T>
extends Comparator<T>

A Comparator that operates directly on byte representations of objects.

See Also:

Method Summary
 int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)
          Compare two objects in binary.
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Comparator
compare, equals

Method Detail


int compare(byte[] b1,
            int s1,
            int l1,
            byte[] b2,
            int s2,
            int l2)
Compare two objects in binary. b1[s1:l1] is the first object, and b2[s2:l2] is the second object.

b1 - The first byte array.
s1 - The position index in b1. The object under comparison's starting index.
l1 - The length of the object in b1.
b2 - The second byte array.
s2 - The position index in b2. The object under comparison's starting index.
l2 - The length of the object under comparison in b2.
An integer result of the comparison.

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