Interface ProtobufRpcEngineProtos.RequestHeaderProtoOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
ProtobufRpcEngineProtos.RequestHeaderProto, ProtobufRpcEngineProtos.RequestHeaderProto.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface ProtobufRpcEngineProtos.RequestHeaderProtoOrBuilder

Method Summary
 long getClientProtocolVersion()
          required uint64 clientProtocolVersion = 3;
 String getDeclaringClassProtocolName()
          required string declaringClassProtocolName = 2; getDeclaringClassProtocolNameBytes()
          required string declaringClassProtocolName = 2;
 String getMethodName()
          required string methodName = 1; getMethodNameBytes()
          required string methodName = 1;
 boolean hasClientProtocolVersion()
          required uint64 clientProtocolVersion = 3;
 boolean hasDeclaringClassProtocolName()
          required string declaringClassProtocolName = 2;
 boolean hasMethodName()
          required string methodName = 1;
Methods inherited from interface
findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


boolean hasMethodName()
required string methodName = 1;
 Name of the RPC method 


String getMethodName()
required string methodName = 1;
 Name of the RPC method 

getMethodNameBytes getMethodNameBytes()
required string methodName = 1;
 Name of the RPC method 


boolean hasDeclaringClassProtocolName()
required string declaringClassProtocolName = 2;
 RPCs for a particular interface (ie protocol) are done using a
 IPC connection that is setup using rpcProxy.
 The rpcProxy's has a declared protocol name that is 
 sent form client to server at connection time. 
 Each Rpc call also sends a protocol name 
 (called declaringClassprotocolName). This name is usually the same
 as the connection protocol name except in some cases. 
 For example metaProtocols such ProtocolInfoProto which get metainfo
 about the protocol reuse the connection but need to indicate that
 the actual protocol is different (i.e. the protocol is
 ProtocolInfoProto) since they reuse the connection; in this case
 the declaringClassProtocolName field is set to the ProtocolInfoProto


String getDeclaringClassProtocolName()
required string declaringClassProtocolName = 2;
 RPCs for a particular interface (ie protocol) are done using a
 IPC connection that is setup using rpcProxy.
 The rpcProxy's has a declared protocol name that is 
 sent form client to server at connection time. 
 Each Rpc call also sends a protocol name 
 (called declaringClassprotocolName). This name is usually the same
 as the connection protocol name except in some cases. 
 For example metaProtocols such ProtocolInfoProto which get metainfo
 about the protocol reuse the connection but need to indicate that
 the actual protocol is different (i.e. the protocol is
 ProtocolInfoProto) since they reuse the connection; in this case
 the declaringClassProtocolName field is set to the ProtocolInfoProto

getDeclaringClassProtocolNameBytes getDeclaringClassProtocolNameBytes()
required string declaringClassProtocolName = 2;
 RPCs for a particular interface (ie protocol) are done using a
 IPC connection that is setup using rpcProxy.
 The rpcProxy's has a declared protocol name that is 
 sent form client to server at connection time. 
 Each Rpc call also sends a protocol name 
 (called declaringClassprotocolName). This name is usually the same
 as the connection protocol name except in some cases. 
 For example metaProtocols such ProtocolInfoProto which get metainfo
 about the protocol reuse the connection but need to indicate that
 the actual protocol is different (i.e. the protocol is
 ProtocolInfoProto) since they reuse the connection; in this case
 the declaringClassProtocolName field is set to the ProtocolInfoProto


boolean hasClientProtocolVersion()
required uint64 clientProtocolVersion = 3;
 protocol version of class declaring the called method 


long getClientProtocolVersion()
required uint64 clientProtocolVersion = 3;
 protocol version of class declaring the called method 

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