Uses of Interface

Packages that use Service

Uses of Service in org.apache.hadoop.service

Classes in org.apache.hadoop.service that implement Service
 class AbstractService
          This is the base implementation class for services.
 class CompositeService
          Composition of services.

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.service that return types with arguments of type Service
 List<Service> CompositeService.getServices()
          Get an unmodifiable list of services

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.service with parameters of type Service
protected  void CompositeService.addService(Service service)
          Add the passed Service to the list of services managed by this CompositeService
 void ServiceOperations.ServiceListeners.notifyListeners(Service service)
          Change to a new state and notify all listeners.
protected  boolean CompositeService.removeService(Service service)
 void ServiceStateChangeListener.stateChanged(Service service)
          Callback to notify of a state change.
 void LoggingStateChangeListener.stateChanged(Service service)
          Callback for a state change event: log it
static void ServiceOperations.stop(Service service)
          Stop a service.
static Exception ServiceOperations.stopQuietly(org.apache.commons.logging.Log log, Service service)
          Stop a service; if it is null do nothing.
static Exception ServiceOperations.stopQuietly(Service service)
          Stop a service; if it is null do nothing.

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