Uses of Class

Packages that use DataChecksum.Type
org.apache.hadoop.fs An abstract file system API. 
org.apache.hadoop.util Common utilities. 

Uses of DataChecksum.Type in org.apache.hadoop.fs

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.fs that return DataChecksum.Type
 DataChecksum.Type Options.ChecksumOpt.getChecksumType()
 DataChecksum.Type FsServerDefaults.getChecksumType()
 DataChecksum.Type MD5MD5CRC32GzipFileChecksum.getCrcType()
 DataChecksum.Type MD5MD5CRC32CastagnoliFileChecksum.getCrcType()

Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.fs with parameters of type DataChecksum.Type
FsServerDefaults(long blockSize, int bytesPerChecksum, int writePacketSize, short replication, int fileBufferSize, boolean encryptDataTransfer, long trashInterval, DataChecksum.Type checksumType)
Options.ChecksumOpt(DataChecksum.Type type, int size)
          Normal ctor

Uses of DataChecksum.Type in org.apache.hadoop.util

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.util that return DataChecksum.Type
static DataChecksum.Type DataChecksum.Type.valueOf(int id)
static DataChecksum.Type DataChecksum.Type.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static DataChecksum.Type[] DataChecksum.Type.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

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