Class ZKFCProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB

  extended by org.apache.hadoop.ha.protocolPB.ZKFCProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB
All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, org.apache.hadoop.ha.ZKFCProtocol, org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtocolTranslator

public class ZKFCProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB
extends Object
implements org.apache.hadoop.ha.ZKFCProtocol, Closeable, org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtocolTranslator

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.hadoop.ha.ZKFCProtocol
Constructor Summary
ZKFCProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB(InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, SocketFactory socketFactory, int timeout)
Method Summary
 void cedeActive(int millisToCede)
          Request that this service yield from the active node election for the specified time period.
 void close()
 Object getUnderlyingProxyObject()
          Return the proxy object underlying this protocol translator.
 void gracefulFailover()
          Request that this node try to become active through a graceful failover.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ZKFCProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB(InetSocketAddress addr,
                                          Configuration conf,
                                          SocketFactory socketFactory,
                                          int timeout)
                                   throws IOException
Method Detail


public void cedeActive(int millisToCede)
                throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: org.apache.hadoop.ha.ZKFCProtocol
Request that this service yield from the active node election for the specified time period. If the node is not currently active, it simply prevents any attempts to become active for the specified time period. Otherwise, it first tries to transition the local service to standby state, and then quits the election. If the attempt to transition to standby succeeds, then the ZKFC receiving this RPC will delete its own breadcrumb node in ZooKeeper. Thus, the next node to become active will not run any fencing process. Otherwise, the breadcrumb will be left, such that the next active will fence this node. After the specified time period elapses, the node will attempt to re-join the election, provided that its service is healthy. If the node has previously been instructed to cede active, and is still within the specified time period, the later command's time period will take precedence, resetting the timer. A call to cedeActive which specifies a 0 or negative time period will allow the target node to immediately rejoin the election, so long as it is healthy.

Specified by:
cedeActive in interface org.apache.hadoop.ha.ZKFCProtocol
millisToCede - period for which the node should not attempt to become active
IOException - if the operation fails - if the operation is disallowed


public void gracefulFailover()
                      throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: org.apache.hadoop.ha.ZKFCProtocol
Request that this node try to become active through a graceful failover. If the node is already active, this is a no-op and simply returns success without taking any further action. If the node is not healthy, it will throw an exception indicating that it is not able to become active. If the node is healthy and not active, it will try to initiate a graceful failover to become active, returning only when it has successfully become active. See ZKFailoverController.gracefulFailoverToYou() for the implementation details. If the node fails to successfully coordinate the failover, throws an exception indicating the reason for failure.

Specified by:
gracefulFailover in interface org.apache.hadoop.ha.ZKFCProtocol
IOException - if graceful failover fails - if the operation is disallowed


public void close()
Specified by:
close in interface Closeable


public Object getUnderlyingProxyObject()
Description copied from interface: org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtocolTranslator
Return the proxy object underlying this protocol translator.

Specified by:
getUnderlyingProxyObject in interface org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtocolTranslator
the proxy object underlying this protocol translator.

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