Interface ValueAggregatorDescriptor

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
UserDefinedValueAggregatorDescriptor, UserDefinedValueAggregatorDescriptor, ValueAggregatorBaseDescriptor, ValueAggregatorBaseDescriptor

public interface ValueAggregatorDescriptor

This interface defines the contract a value aggregator descriptor must support. Such a descriptor can be configured with a Configuration object. Its main function is to generate a list of aggregation-id/value pairs. An aggregation id encodes an aggregation type which is used to guide the way to aggregate the value in the reduce/combiner phrase of an Aggregate based job. The mapper in an Aggregate based map/reduce job may create one or more of ValueAggregatorDescriptor objects at configuration time. For each input key/value pair, the mapper will use those objects to create aggregation id/value pairs.

Field Summary
static ONE
static String TYPE_SEPARATOR
Method Summary
 void configure(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
          Configure the object
 ArrayList<Map.Entry<,>> generateKeyValPairs(Object key, Object val)
          Generate a list of aggregation-id/value pairs for the given key/value pair.

Field Detail


static final String TYPE_SEPARATOR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final ONE
Method Detail


ArrayList<Map.Entry<,>> generateKeyValPairs(Object key,
                                                                                              Object val)
Generate a list of aggregation-id/value pairs for the given key/value pair. This function is usually called by the mapper of an Aggregate based job.

key - input key
val - input value
a list of aggregation id/value pairs. An aggregation id encodes an aggregation type which is used to guide the way to aggregate the value in the reduce/combiner phrase of an Aggregate based job.


void configure(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
Configure the object

conf - a Configuration object that may contain the information that can be used to configure the object.

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