Package org.apache.http.client.utils

Helpers and utility classes for HttpClient.


Interface Summary
Idn Abstraction of international domain name (IDN) conversion.

Class Summary
CloneUtils A collection of utilities to workaround limitations of Java clone framework.
HttpClientUtils Static helpers for dealing with HttpResponses and HttpClients.
JdkIdn Uses the class through reflection.
Punycode Facade that provides conversion between Unicode and Punycode domain names.
Rfc3492Idn Implementation from pseudo code in RFC 3492.
URIBuilder URI builder for HTTP requests.
URIUtils A collection of utilities for URIs, to workaround bugs within the class or for ease-of-use features.
URLEncodedUtils A collection of utilities for encoding URLs.

Package org.apache.http.client.utils Description

Helpers and utility classes for HttpClient.

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