Interface HttpUriRequest

All Superinterfaces:
org.apache.http.HttpMessage, org.apache.http.HttpRequest
All Known Implementing Classes:
EntityEnclosingRequestWrapper, HttpDelete, HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase, HttpGet, HttpHead, HttpOptions, HttpPatch, HttpPost, HttpPut, HttpRequestBase, HttpRequestWrapper, HttpTrace, RequestWrapper

public interface HttpUriRequest
extends org.apache.http.HttpRequest

Extended version of the HttpRequest interface that provides convenience methods to access request properties such as request URI and method type.


Method Summary
 void abort()
          Aborts execution of the request.
 String getMethod()
          Returns the HTTP method this request uses, such as GET, PUT, POST, or other.
 URI getURI()
          Returns the URI this request uses, such as
 boolean isAborted()
          Tests if the request execution has been aborted.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.http.HttpRequest
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.http.HttpMessage
addHeader, addHeader, containsHeader, getAllHeaders, getFirstHeader, getHeaders, getLastHeader, getParams, getProtocolVersion, headerIterator, headerIterator, removeHeader, removeHeaders, setHeader, setHeader, setHeaders, setParams

Method Detail


String getMethod()
Returns the HTTP method this request uses, such as GET, PUT, POST, or other.


URI getURI()
Returns the URI this request uses, such as

Note that the URI may be absolute URI (as above) or may be a relative URI.

Implementations are encouraged to return the URI that was initially requested.

To find the final URI after any redirects have been processed, please see the section entitled HTTP execution context in the HttpClient Tutorial


void abort()
           throws UnsupportedOperationException
Aborts execution of the request.

UnsupportedOperationException - if the abort operation is not supported / cannot be implemented.


boolean isAborted()
Tests if the request execution has been aborted.

true if the request execution has been aborted, false otherwise.

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