Interface HttpResponse

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public interface HttpResponse
extends HttpMessage

After receiving and interpreting a request message, a server responds with an HTTP response message.

     Response      = Status-Line
                     *(( general-header
                      | response-header
                      | entity-header ) CRLF)
                     [ message-body ]


Method Summary
 HttpEntity getEntity()
          Obtains the message entity of this response, if any.
 Locale getLocale()
          Obtains the locale of this response.
 StatusLine getStatusLine()
          Obtains the status line of this response.
 void setEntity(HttpEntity entity)
          Associates a response entity with this response.
 void setLocale(Locale loc)
          Changes the locale of this response.
 void setReasonPhrase(String reason)
          Updates the status line of this response with a new reason phrase.
 void setStatusCode(int code)
          Updates the status line of this response with a new status code.
 void setStatusLine(ProtocolVersion ver, int code)
          Sets the status line of this response.
 void setStatusLine(ProtocolVersion ver, int code, String reason)
          Sets the status line of this response with a reason phrase.
 void setStatusLine(StatusLine statusline)
          Sets the status line of this response.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.http.HttpMessage
addHeader, addHeader, containsHeader, getAllHeaders, getFirstHeader, getHeaders, getLastHeader, getParams, getProtocolVersion, headerIterator, headerIterator, removeHeader, removeHeaders, setHeader, setHeader, setHeaders, setParams

Method Detail


StatusLine getStatusLine()
Obtains the status line of this response. The status line can be set using one of the setStatusLine methods, or it can be initialized in a constructor.

the status line, or null if not yet set


void setStatusLine(StatusLine statusline)
Sets the status line of this response.

statusline - the status line of this response


void setStatusLine(ProtocolVersion ver,
                   int code)
Sets the status line of this response. The reason phrase will be determined based on the current locale.

ver - the HTTP version
code - the status code


void setStatusLine(ProtocolVersion ver,
                   int code,
                   String reason)
Sets the status line of this response with a reason phrase.

ver - the HTTP version
code - the status code
reason - the reason phrase, or null to omit


void setStatusCode(int code)
                   throws IllegalStateException
Updates the status line of this response with a new status code. The status line can only be updated if it is available. It must have been set either explicitly or in a constructor.
The reason phrase will be updated according to the new status code, based on the current locale. It can be set explicitly using setReasonPhrase.

code - the HTTP status code.
IllegalStateException - if the status line has not be set
See Also:
HttpStatus, setStatusLine(StatusLine), setStatusLine(ProtocolVersion,int)


void setReasonPhrase(String reason)
                     throws IllegalStateException
Updates the status line of this response with a new reason phrase. The status line can only be updated if it is available. It must have been set either explicitly or in a constructor.

reason - the new reason phrase as a single-line string, or null to unset the reason phrase
IllegalStateException - if the status line has not be set
See Also:
setStatusLine(StatusLine), setStatusLine(ProtocolVersion,int)


HttpEntity getEntity()
Obtains the message entity of this response, if any. The entity is provided by calling setEntity.

the response entity, or null if there is none


void setEntity(HttpEntity entity)
Associates a response entity with this response.

Please note that if an entity has already been set for this response and it depends on an input stream (HttpEntity.isStreaming() returns true), it must be fully consumed in order to ensure release of resources.

entity - the entity to associate with this response, or null to unset
See Also:


Locale getLocale()
Obtains the locale of this response. The locale is used to determine the reason phrase for the status code. It can be changed using setLocale.

the locale of this response, never null


void setLocale(Locale loc)
Changes the locale of this response. If there is a status line, it's reason phrase will be updated according to the status code and new locale.

loc - the new locale
See Also:
getLocale, setStatusCode

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