Class Diff.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Diff.Builder
    extends Object
    Collect options for the Diff command.
    • Method Detail

      • withPath

        public Diff.Builder withPath​(File path)
        The path to an existing segment store. This parameter is required.
        path - the path to an existing segment store.
        this builder.
      • withInterval

        public Diff.Builder withInterval​(String interval)
        The two node records to diff specified as a record ID interval. This parameter is required.

        The interval is specified as two record IDs separated by two full stops (..). In example, 333dc24d-438f-4cca-8b21-3ebf67c05856:12345..46116fda-7a72-4dbc-af88-a09322a7753a:67890. Instead of using a full record ID, it is possible to use the special placeholder head. This placeholder is translated to the record ID of the most recent head state.

        interval - an interval between two node record IDs.
        this builder.
      • withIncremental

        public Diff.Builder withIncremental​(boolean incremental)
        Set whether or not to perform an incremental diff of the specified interval. An incremental diff shows every change between the two records at every revision available to the segment store. This parameter is not mandatory and defaults to false.
        incremental - true to perform an incremental diff, false otherwise.
        this builder.
      • withOutput

        public Diff.Builder withOutput​(File file)
        The file where the output of this command is stored. this parameter is mandatory.
        file - the output file.
        this builder.
      • withFilter

        public Diff.Builder withFilter​(String filter)
        The path to a subtree. If specified, this parameter allows to restrict the diff to the specified subtree. This parameter is not mandatory and defaults to the entire tree.
        filter - a path used as as filter for the resulting diff.
        this builder.
      • withIgnoreMissingSegments

        public Diff.Builder withIgnoreMissingSegments​(boolean ignoreMissingSegments)
        Whether to ignore exceptions caused by missing segments in the segment store. This parameter is not mandatory and defaults to false.
        ignoreMissingSegments - true to ignore exceptions caused by missing segments, false otherwise.
        this builder.
      • build

        public Diff build()
        Create an executable version of the Diff command.
        an instance of Runnable.