Class Canceller

  • public class Canceller
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents a way to check for a cancellation request. Users of this class (possibly cancelable, long-running operations) should periodically check whether a cancellation request has been received.
    • Method Detail

      • newCanceller

        public static Canceller newCanceller()
        Create a new Canceller which is trivially empty. The returned Canceller will never relay a positive cancellation request.
        an instance of Canceller.
      • check

        public Cancellation check()
        Check if cancellation has been requested. This method should be invoked periodically, and the returned Cancellation should be inspected and reacted upon.
        an instance of Cancellation.
      • withCondition

        public Canceller withCondition​(java.lang.String reason,
                                       java.util.function.BooleanSupplier condition)
        Return a new Canceller based on a boolean predicate. The returned instance will relay a positive cancellation request when either the supplied boolean predicate is true or this Canceller is cancelled.
        reason - The reason associated to the boolean condition.
        condition - A boolean predicate.
        a new instance of Canceller.
      • withTimeout

        public Canceller withTimeout​(java.lang.String reason,
                                     long duration,
                                     java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        Return a new Canceller based on time duration. The returned instance will relay a positive cancellation request when either the duration expires or this Canceller is cancelled.
        reason - The reason associated to the boolean condition.
        duration - The duration for the timeout.
        unit - The time unit for the duration.
        a new instance of Canceller.
      • withShortCircuit

        public Canceller withShortCircuit()
        Create a new Canceller based on this Canceller. The returned instance will be canceled when this instance is canceled, but will never transition back to an "uncanceled" state.
        an new instance of Canceller.