Class Collection<T extends Document>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the document type

    public abstract class Collection<T extends Document>
    extends Object
    The collection types.
    • Field Detail

      • NODES

        public static final Collection<NodeDocument> NODES
        The 'nodes' collection. It contains all the node data, with one document per node, and the path as the primary key. Each document possibly contains multiple revisions.

        Key: the path, value: the node data (possibly multiple revisions)

        Old revisions are removed after some time, either by the process that removed or updated the node, lazily when reading, or in a background process.


        public static final Collection<ClusterNodeInfoDocument> CLUSTER_NODES
        The 'clusterNodes' collection contains the list of currently running cluster nodes. The key is the clusterNodeId (0, 1, 2,...).
      • SETTINGS

        public static final Collection<Document> SETTINGS
        The 'settings' collection contains setting/state data required for DocumentNodeStore
      • JOURNAL

        public static final Collection<JournalEntry> JOURNAL
        The 'journal' collection contains documents with consolidated diffs for changes performed by a cluster node between two background updates.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Collection

        public Collection​(String name)
    • Method Detail

      • newDocument

        public abstract T newDocument​(DocumentStore store)
        store - the document store.
        a new document for this collection.