Class ProfileRegistry

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.ProfileRegistry

public class ProfileRegistry
extends Object

Provides a means to map between the URI's that represent ontology languages and their language profiles.

Field Summary
static String OWL_DL_LANG
          The URI that maps to the language profile for OWL-DL
static String OWL_LANG
          The URI that maps to the language profile for OWL-Full
static String OWL_LITE_LANG
          The URI that maps to the language profile for OWL-Lite
static String RDFS_LANG
          The URI that maps to the language profile for RDFS
Method Summary
static ProfileRegistry getInstance()
           Answer the singleton instance
 Profile getProfile(String uri)
           Answer the language profile for the given language URI, or null if not known.
 void registerProfile(String uri, Profile profile)
           Add a language profile with the given URI key
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String OWL_LANG
The URI that maps to the language profile for OWL-Full


public static final String OWL_DL_LANG
The URI that maps to the language profile for OWL-DL


public static final String OWL_LITE_LANG
The URI that maps to the language profile for OWL-Lite


public static final String RDFS_LANG
The URI that maps to the language profile for RDFS

Method Detail


public static ProfileRegistry getInstance()

Answer the singleton instance

The singleton registry


public void registerProfile(String uri,
                            Profile profile)

Add a language profile with the given URI key

uri - The URI denoting the language
profile - The language profile for the language


public Profile getProfile(String uri)

Answer the language profile for the given language URI, or null if not known.

uri - A URI denoting an ontology language
An ontology language profile for that language

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