Class StatementListener

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners.StatementListener
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StatementListener
extends Object
implements ModelChangedListener

A listener that filters all its listening down to the single-statement level. Users of this class override addedStatement(Statement) and removedStatement(Statement).

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addedStatement(Statement s)
          Override this to listen to all incoming added statements
 void addedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
          Method to call when a list of statements has been added to the attached model.
 void addedStatements(Model m)
          Method to call when a model has been used to define the statements to be added to our attached model.
 void addedStatements(Statement[] statements)
          Method to call when an array of statements has been added to the attached model.
 void addedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
          Method to call when a statement iterator has supplied elements to be added to the attached model.
 void notifyEvent(Model m, Object event)
 void removedStatement(Statement s)
          Override this to listen to all incoming removed statements
 void removedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
          Method to call when a list of statements has been deleted from the attached model.
 void removedStatements(Model m)
          Method to call when a model has been used to remove statements from our attached model.
 void removedStatements(Statement[] statements)
          Method to call when an array of statements has been removed from the attached model.
 void removedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
          Method to call when a statement iterator has been used to remove statements from the attached model.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StatementListener()
Method Detail


public void addedStatement(Statement s)
Override this to listen to all incoming added statements

Specified by:
addedStatement in interface ModelChangedListener
s - the statement that has been presented for addition.


public void removedStatement(Statement s)
Override this to listen to all incoming removed statements

Specified by:
removedStatement in interface ModelChangedListener
s - the statement that has been presented for removal.


public void addedStatements(Statement[] statements)
Description copied from interface: ModelChangedListener
Method to call when an array of statements has been added to the attached model. NOTE. This array need not be == to the array added using Model::add(Statement[]).

Specified by:
addedStatements in interface ModelChangedListener
statements - the array of added statements


public void addedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
Description copied from interface: ModelChangedListener
Method to call when a list of statements has been added to the attached model. NOTE. This list need not be == to the list added using Model::add(List).

Specified by:
addedStatements in interface ModelChangedListener
statements - the list of statements that has been removed.


public void addedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
Description copied from interface: ModelChangedListener
Method to call when a statement iterator has supplied elements to be added to the attached model. statements is a copy of the original iterator.

Specified by:
addedStatements in interface ModelChangedListener


public void addedStatements(Model m)
Description copied from interface: ModelChangedListener
Method to call when a model has been used to define the statements to be added to our attached model.

Specified by:
addedStatements in interface ModelChangedListener
m - a model equivalent to [and sharing with] the added model


public void removedStatements(Statement[] statements)
Description copied from interface: ModelChangedListener
Method to call when an array of statements has been removed from the attached model. NOTE. This array need not be == to the array added using Model::remove(Statement[]).

Specified by:
removedStatements in interface ModelChangedListener
statements - the array of removed statements


public void removedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
Description copied from interface: ModelChangedListener
Method to call when a list of statements has been deleted from the attached model. NOTE. This list need not be == to the list added using Model::remov(List).

Specified by:
removedStatements in interface ModelChangedListener
statements - the list of statements that have been removed.


public void removedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
Description copied from interface: ModelChangedListener
Method to call when a statement iterator has been used to remove statements from the attached model. The iterator will be a copy, in the correct order, of the iterator supplied for the removal.

Specified by:
removedStatements in interface ModelChangedListener
statements - a statement-type copy of the updating iterator


public void removedStatements(Model m)
Description copied from interface: ModelChangedListener
Method to call when a model has been used to remove statements from our attached model.

Specified by:
removedStatements in interface ModelChangedListener
m - a model equivalent to [and sharing with] the one removed


public void notifyEvent(Model m,
                        Object event)
Specified by:
notifyEvent in interface ModelChangedListener

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0