Package com.hp.hpl.jena.shared

This package defines some classes common to the Jena API and SPI levels, in particular the JenaException class from which all Jena-specific exceptions hang, and the interface PrefixMapping for translation to and from QNames.


Interface Summary
Command An interface expressing the execution of a command.
PrefixMapping Methods for recording namepsace prefix mappings and applying and unapplying them to URIs.

Class Summary
LockMRSW Lock implemenetation using a Multiple Reader, Single Writer policy.
PrefixMapping.Factory Factory class to create an unspecified kind of PrefixMapping.
RandomOrderGraph Wraps a graph and randomizes the order of find results.
ReificationStyle Deprecated.

Exception Summary
AddDeniedException Exception to throw for a denied add operation
AlreadyExistsException Exception to throw when an attempt is made to create a named object (eg persistent model) when an object of that name already exists.
AlreadyReifiedException The exception raised by reifyAs if a node is already bound to a single reified triple.
AssertionFailureException Exception to throw when an assertion fails.
BadBooleanException Exception to throw when a string cannot be converted to a Boolean value.
BadCharLiteralException Exception to throw when a literal required to be a single character isn't.
BadDescriptionException Exception to throw if a model (or graph) is a bad description
BadDescriptionMultipleRootsException Exception to throw if a Description contains multiple roots of a specified type.
BadDescriptionNoRootException Exception to throw if a Description has no root of a specified type
BadURIException A Jena exception for malformed URIs.
BrokenException An exception to throw if an internal error is detected.
CannotEncodeCharacterException Exception to throw when a character cannot be encoded into some context for some reason.
CannotReifyException The exception thrown by reifyAs if a node is bound to bits and pieces of (an)other triple(s).
ClosedException Exception that may be thrown if an operation is attempted on a closed graph.
ConfigException An Exception indicating that Jena is not working because it is not correctly configured.
DeleteDeniedException Exception to throw if a delete is denied.
DoesNotExistException Exception thrown when an attempt is made find an entity by name, but it cannot be located.
InvalidPropertyURIException Exception to throw when it is discovered that a property has been given an illegal URI.
JenaException This should be a superclass of exceptions arising from Jena code.
NamespaceEndsWithNameCharException This exception is thrown when a putative namespace (for a PrefixMapping) ends with a name character, which we disallow because its an invitation to errors.
NoReaderForLangException Exception to throw when there is no reader with the specified language
NoReasonerSuppliedException NoReasonerSuppliedException - the exception to throw if a reasoner (spec) was required, but none was given (eg in ModelSpecs).
NoSuchReasonerException NoSuchReasonerException - the exception to throw when looking up a reasoner fails (in ModelSpec construction).
NotFoundException Exception thrown when an attempt is made find something and it is not found.
NoWriterForLangException Exception to throw if there is no writer for the specified language.
PrefixMapping.IllegalPrefixException Exception to throw when the prefix argument to setNsPrefix is illegal for some reason.
PrefixMapping.JenaLockedException Exception to throw when trying to update a locked PrefixMapping.
PropertyNotFoundException Exception to throw if something does not have the specified property.
QueryStageException Exception thrown when an earlier query stage has throw an exception.
RulesetNotFoundException RulesetNotFoundException - exception to throw when a Ruleset is not found (eg when handing reasoner specifications)
SyntaxError Exception to throw when a syntax error is detected in some input.
UnknownPropertyException Exception to throw when Jena is presented with an unknown property of some kind.
UpdateDeniedException Superclass of exceptions thrown when attempting to add/delete on a readonly graph/model.
WrappedException Jena exceptions that explicitly wrap other (usually checked) exceptions.
WrappedIOException A wrapped IO exception.

Package com.hp.hpl.jena.shared Description

This package defines some classes common to the Jena API and SPI levels, in particular the JenaException class from which all Jena-specific exceptions hang, and the interface PrefixMapping for translation to and from QNames.

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0