Class rdfparse

  extended by jena.rdfparse

public class rdfparse
extends Object

A command line interface into ARP. Creates NTriple's or just error messages.

 java <class-path> jena.rdfparse ( [ -[xstfu]][ -b xmlBase -[eiw] NNN[,NNN...] ] [ file ] [ url ] )...
 java <class-path> jena.rdfparse --test
 java <class-path> jena.rdfparse --internal-test

The last two forms are for testing. --test runs ARP against the RDF Core Working Group tests found at --internal-test uses a cached copy from within the jena.jar.

All options, files and URLs can be intemingled in any order. They are processed from left-to-right.
Converts (embedded) RDF in XML file into N-triples
Converts (embedded) RDF from URL into N-triples
-b uri
Sets XML Base to the absolute URI.
Content is RDF (no embedding, rdf:RDF tag may be omitted).
No n-triple output, error checking only.
Lax mode - warnings are suppressed.
Strict mode - most warnings are errors.
Allow unqualified attributes (defaults to warning).
All errors are.error - report first one only.
-b url
Sets XML Base to the absolute url.
-e NNN[,NNN...]
Treats numbered warning conditions as errrors.
-w NNN[,NNN...]
Treats numbered error conditions as warnings.
-i NNN[,NNN...]
Ignores numbered error/warning conditions.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void main(String... args)
          Either start an RDF/XML to NTriple converter, or run test suite.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public rdfparse()
Method Detail


public static void main(String... args)
                 throws Exception
Either start an RDF/XML to NTriple converter, or run test suite.

args - The command-line arguments.

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0