Package com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler

Interface Summary
Assembler An Assembler creates objects from their RDF descriptions.

Class Summary
AssemblerHelp AssemblerHelp provides utility methods used by, and useful for working with, the Assembler code, including the methods that expand a model to include the required inferences and to find the most specific type of a root in an assembler specification.
Content A Content object records content to be used to fill models.
Mode A Mode object controls whether persistent objects can be created or reused by an assembler.
ModelExpansion The ModelExpansion code expands a model M against a schema S, returning a new model which contains the statements of M any statements (A rdfs:subClassOf B) from S where neither A nor B is a bnode.
RuleSet A RuleSet wraps a list of rules.

Exception Summary
BadObjectException Exception used to report that the object of a statement is not a Resource.

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