Class GraphExtract

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.GraphExtract

public class GraphExtract
extends Object

GraphExtract offers a very simple recursive extraction of a subgraph with a specified root in some supergraph. The recursion is terminated by triples that satisfy some supplied boundary condition.


Constructor Summary
GraphExtract(TripleBoundary b)
Method Summary
 Graph extract(Node node, Graph graph)
          Answer a new graph which is the reachable subgraph from node in graph with the terminating condition given by the TripleBoundary passed to the constructor.
 Graph extractInto(Graph toUpdate, Node root, Graph extractFrom)
          Answer the graph toUpdate augmented with the sub-graph of extractFrom reachable from root bounded by this instance's TripleBoundary.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GraphExtract(TripleBoundary b)
Method Detail


public Graph extract(Node node,
                     Graph graph)
Answer a new graph which is the reachable subgraph from node in graph with the terminating condition given by the TripleBoundary passed to the constructor.


public Graph extractInto(Graph toUpdate,
                         Node root,
                         Graph extractFrom)
Answer the graph toUpdate augmented with the sub-graph of extractFrom reachable from root bounded by this instance's TripleBoundary.

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