Uses of Class

Packages that use IllegalDateTimeFieldException
com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd Provides datatype definitions for the XML Schema datatypes support by Jena. 

Uses of IllegalDateTimeFieldException in com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd that throw IllegalDateTimeFieldException
 Calendar XSDDateTime.asCalendar()
          Return the date time as a java Calendar object.
 int XSDDateTime.getDays()
          Return the number of years in the dateTime
 int XSDDateTime.getFullSeconds()
          Return the number of full seconds in the dateTime
 int XSDDateTime.getHours()
          Return the number of hours in the dateTime
 int XSDDateTime.getMinutes()
          Return the number of minutes in the dateTime
 int XSDDateTime.getMonths()
          Return the month in the dateTime, this is in ISO8601 format so january = 1
 double XSDDateTime.getSeconds()
          Return the number of seconds in the dateTime, including fractional part
 double XSDDateTime.getTimePart()
          Return the time component of the dateTime - i.e.
 int XSDDateTime.getYears()
          Return the number of years in the dateTime.

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