Class QueryNode

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query.QueryNode
Direct Known Subclasses:
QueryNode.Any, QueryNode.Bind, QueryNode.Bound, QueryNode.Fixed, QueryNode.JustBound

public abstract class QueryNode
extends Object

A QueryNode is a wrapped node that has been processed against some variable-binding map to discover (a) what kind of node it is and (b) what index in the binding map it has.

There are five sub-classes of QueryNode


Nested Class Summary
static class QueryNode.Any
static class QueryNode.Bind
static class QueryNode.Bound
static class QueryNode.Fixed
static class QueryNode.JustBound
 class QueryNode.MustNotMatchException
          Internal exception to throw if, against all chance, something that shouldn't be involved in a match is.
Field Summary
static QueryNodeFactory factory
 int index
          The index value allocated to this query node; NO_INDEX except for a variable node, in which case it is the allocated index in the domain object.
static int NO_INDEX
          Fake index value to use when no index makes sense; we choose a value that will fail any array-bound check if it happens to be used anyway.
 Node node
          The Node value on which this QueryNode is based.
Method Summary
static QueryNode classify(QueryNodeFactory f, Mapping map, Set<Node> recent, Node n)
          Answer a QueryNode that classifies the argument node n.
 Node finder(Domain d)
          Answer a Node value to use when this QueryValue is used to select objects in a Graph::find() operation; for concrete nodes, that very node, for variables their current value (ANY if not bound).
 boolean isFrozen()
          Answer true iff this node is "frozen", ie its value is fixed, when it is encountered; that is, it is not a Bind or JustBound node.
 boolean match(Domain d, Node x)
          Answer true iff this QueryNode matches, in the context of the binding Domain d, the node x.
abstract  boolean matchOrBind(Domain d, Node x)
          Optimisation: the action to be performed when matching a just-bound variable or binding a newly-bound variable, or nothing for any other kind of QueryNode.
 boolean mustMatch()
          Answer true iff this QueryNode must be used in a triple-match of its owning QueryTriple.
 String toString()
          Return a handy string representation for debugging purposes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NO_INDEX
Fake index value to use when no index makes sense; we choose a value that will fail any array-bound check if it happens to be used anyway.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public final Node node
The Node value on which this QueryNode is based.


public final int index
The index value allocated to this query node; NO_INDEX except for a variable node, in which case it is the allocated index in the domain object.


public static final QueryNodeFactory factory
Method Detail


public String toString()
Return a handy string representation for debugging purposes. Not for machine consumption.

toString in class Object


public boolean isFrozen()
Answer true iff this node is "frozen", ie its value is fixed, when it is encountered; that is, it is not a Bind or JustBound node.


public Node finder(Domain d)
Answer a Node value to use when this QueryValue is used to select objects in a Graph::find() operation; for concrete nodes, that very node, for variables their current value (ANY if not bound).


public boolean mustMatch()
Answer true iff this QueryNode must be used in a triple-match of its owning QueryTriple.


public boolean match(Domain d,
                     Node x)
Answer true iff this QueryNode matches, in the context of the binding Domain d, the node x.


public abstract boolean matchOrBind(Domain d,
                                    Node x)
Optimisation: the action to be performed when matching a just-bound variable or binding a newly-bound variable, or nothing for any other kind of QueryNode.


public static QueryNode classify(QueryNodeFactory f,
                                 Mapping map,
                                 Set<Node> recent,
                                 Node n)
Answer a QueryNode that classifies the argument node n. The factory f is used to create the different QueryNodes, allowing different classifiers to use their own subclasses of QueryNode if they wish. map is the variable-to-index map, and recent is the set of those variables "just" bound, ie, earlier in the same triple.

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0