Uses of Class

Packages that use Element
com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query Defines the graph-level Query classes, allowing multi-pattern query over arbitrary graphs. 

Uses of Element in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query

Subclasses of Element in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query
 class Bind
          A binding instance of a variable.
 class Bound
          An element which represents an already-bound variable.
 class Fixed
          An Element that matches a single specified value.

Fields in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query declared as Element
static Element Element.ANY
          The constant ANY matches anything and binds nothing
 Element Pattern.O
 Element Pattern.P
 Element Pattern.S

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query that return Element
 Element PatternCompiler.any()
          Method called to deliver a compiled element from a wildcard ANY.
 Element PatternStageCompiler.any()
 Element PatternCompiler.bind(Node n, int index)
          Method called to deliver a compiled element from a binding occurance of a variable Node allocated at a given index position.
 Element PatternStageCompiler.bind(Node n, int index)
 Element PatternCompiler.bound(Node n, int index)
          Method called to deliver a compiled element from a bound occurance of a variable Node allocated at a given index position.
 Element PatternStageCompiler.bound(Node n, int index)
 Element PatternCompiler.fixed(Node value)
          Method called to deliver a compiled Element constructed from a constant Node.
 Element PatternStageCompiler.fixed(Node value)

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query with parameters of type Element
Pattern(Element S, Element P, Element O)

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