Uses of Class

Packages that use ValuatorSet
com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query Defines the graph-level Query classes, allowing multi-pattern query over arbitrary graphs. 

Uses of ValuatorSet in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query that return ValuatorSet
 ValuatorSet ValuatorSet.add(Valuator e)
          Answer this ValuatorSet after adding the Valuator e to it.
 ValuatorSet[] GuardArranger.makeGuards(Mapping map, ExpressionSet constraints)
 ValuatorSet ExpressionSet.prepare(VariableIndexes vi)
          Answer a ValuatorSet which contains exactly the valuators for each Expression in this ExpressionSet, prepared against the VariableIndexes vi.

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query with parameters of type ValuatorSet
StageElement.RunValuatorSet(ValuatorSet s, StageElement next)

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