Uses of Class

Packages that use OntTools.DisjointSet
com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology Provides a set of abstractions and convenience classes for accessing and manipluating ontologies represented in RDF. 

Uses of OntTools.DisjointSet in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology that return OntTools.DisjointSet
 OntTools.DisjointSet OntTools.DisjointSet.find()
          The find operation collapses the pointer to the root parent, which is one of Tarjan's standard optimisations.
 OntTools.DisjointSet OntTools.DisjointSet.getAncestor()
 OntTools.DisjointSet OntTools.DisjointSet.getParent()
 OntTools.DisjointSet OntTools.LCAIndex.getSet(Resource r)

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with parameters of type OntTools.DisjointSet
 void OntTools.DisjointSet.setAncestor(OntTools.DisjointSet anc)
 void OntTools.DisjointSet.setParent(OntTools.DisjointSet parent)
 void OntTools.DisjointSet.union(OntTools.DisjointSet y)
          The union of two sets

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