Interface RDFList.ReduceFn

Enclosing interface:

public static interface RDFList.ReduceFn

Interface that encapsulates a function to apply to each element of a list in turn, and passing the result to an accumulator.

Method Summary
 Object reduce(RDFNode node, Object accumulator)
           Apply a function to the given RDF node.

Method Detail


Object reduce(RDFNode node,
              Object accumulator)

Apply a function to the given RDF node.

node - A node from the list.
accumulator - The accumulator for the reduction, which will either be an initial value passed to RDFList.reduce(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFList.ReduceFn, java.lang.Object), or the output from reduce applied to the previous node in the list.
The result of applying the reduction function to the current node and the accumulator.

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