Uses of Interface

Packages that use Literal
com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology Provides a set of abstractions and convenience classes for accessing and manipluating ontologies represented in RDF. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model A package for creating and manipulating RDF graphs. 

Uses of Literal in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler with parameters of type Literal
static String AssemblerHelp.getString(Statement s, Literal L)
          Answer the String value of the literal L, which is the object of the Statement s.

Uses of Literal in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology that return types with arguments of type Literal
 com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<Literal> DataRange.listOneOf()
          Answer an iterator over all of the literals that are declared to be the permissible values for this class.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with parameters of type Literal
 void OntResource.addComment(Literal comment)
          Add the given comment to this resource.
 void OntResource.addLabel(Literal label)
          Add the given label to this resource.
 void DataRange.addOneOf(Literal lit)
          Add a literal to the enumeration that defines the permissible values of this class.
 boolean OntResource.hasComment(Literal comment)
          Answer true if this resource has the given comment.
 boolean OntResource.hasLabel(Literal label)
          Answer true if this resource has the given label
 boolean DataRange.hasOneOf(Literal lit)
          Answer true if the given literal is one of the enumerated literals that are the permissible values of this datarange.
 void OntResource.removeComment(Literal comment)
          Remove the statement that the given string is a comment on this resource.
 void OntResource.removeLabel(Literal label)
          Remove the statement that the given string is a label for this resource.
 void DataRange.removeOneOf(Literal lit)
          Remove the statement that this enumeration includes lit among its members.

Method parameters in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with type arguments of type Literal
 void DataRange.addOneOf(Iterator<Literal> literals)
          Add each literal from the given iteratation to the enumeration that defines the permissible values of this datarange.

Uses of Literal in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model that return Literal
 Literal RDFNode.asLiteral()
          If this node is a Literal, answer that literal; otherwise throw an exception.
 Literal ModelCon.createLiteral(String v)
          create a literal from a String value.
 Literal Model.createLiteral(String v, boolean wellFormed)
          Create a literal from a String value.
 Literal Model.createLiteral(String v, String language)
          Create an untyped literal from a String value with a specified language.
static Literal ResourceFactory.createPlainLiteral(String string)
 Literal ResourceFactory.Interface.createPlainLiteral(String string)
          Answer a plain (untyped) literal with no language and the given content.
 Literal ModelCon.createTypedLiteral(boolean v)
          create a type literal from a boolean value.
 Literal ModelCon.createTypedLiteral(Calendar d)
          Create a typed literal of type xsd:dateTime from a Calendar object.
 Literal ModelCon.createTypedLiteral(char v)
          create a typed literal from a char value.
 Literal ModelCon.createTypedLiteral(double v)
          create a typed literal from a double value.
 Literal ModelCon.createTypedLiteral(float v)
          create a typed literal from a float value.
 Literal ModelCon.createTypedLiteral(int v)
          create a typed literal from an integer value.
 Literal ModelCon.createTypedLiteral(long v)
          create a typed literal from an integer value.
static Literal ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(Object value)
          Answer a typed literal.
 Literal ResourceFactory.Interface.createTypedLiteral(Object value)
          Answer a typed literal.
 Literal Model.createTypedLiteral(Object value)
          Build a typed literal label from its value form using whatever datatype is currently registered as the the default representation for this java class.
 Literal ModelCon.createTypedLiteral(Object v)
          create a literal from an Object.
 Literal Model.createTypedLiteral(Object value, RDFDatatype dtype)
          Build a typed literal from its value form.
 Literal ModelCon.createTypedLiteral(Object value, String typeURI)
          Build a typed literal from its value form.
 Literal ModelCon.createTypedLiteral(String v)
          create a typed literal from a String value.
static Literal ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(String string, RDFDatatype dType)
 Literal ResourceFactory.Interface.createTypedLiteral(String string, RDFDatatype datatype)
          Answer a typed literal.
 Literal Model.createTypedLiteral(String lex, RDFDatatype dtype)
          Build a typed literal from its lexical form.
 Literal ModelCon.createTypedLiteral(String lex, String typeURI)
          Build a typed literal from its lexical form.
 Literal Alt.getDefaultLiteral()
          Return the default value for this resource.
 Literal Statement.getLiteral()
          Return the object of the statement.
 Literal Seq.getLiteral(int index)
          Get the member at a given index.
 Literal Literal.inModel(Model m)
          Answer a version of this literal in the model m.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model with parameters of type Literal
 Resource Resource.addLiteral(Property p, Literal o)
          Add the property p with the pre-constructed Literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, o) to this's model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, Literal o)
          add a statement to this model.
 boolean Literal.sameValueAs(Literal other)
          Test that two literals are semantically equivalent.
 Object RDFVisitor.visitLiteral(Literal l)
          Method to call when visiting a literal RDF node l.

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